"Sounds troublesome," Melon thought out loud while he waited on her. "I don't have any magic." At least it seemed that these people were being helpful about this whole frightening ordeal, even if they [i]were[/i] part of his fear. He'd have to continue relying on their support of he was to make it out of this mess, if what she told him was true. Either that or somehow get his hands on some other techno-magic vehicle, but that would be far too costly for his budget of...0 dollars in whatever this planet used for currency. She came out soon enough in a spacesuit more goofy looking then his own, especially on the body of a spider. He almost laughed, but managed to contain himself for fear of what would happen to laugh at a spider queen. "Oh, um, it looks...nice," he replied, turning his face away from her so she couldn't see his grin. He was about to ask her why she'd be wearing a space suit when she answered the question before it even left his lips. "So soon?! Well, I don't mind. I feel naked without my technology working, so the sooner we can leave and get it back up and running the better," he replied. "Once again, I appreciate your help, although I have nothing of offer either as payment or to show my appreciation. Most of my belongings were burned in the crash, so unless you want the clothes on my back, I'm afraid there's not much else." He showed her a smile for the first time, revealing that he was now at least comfortable enough to slip a little joke in. Perhaps it was because she looked far less imposing in that suit. It's like if a spider crawls onto your arm but you find it wearing a top hat and doing a tap dance; far more amusing then scary. He turned to follow her wherever she would lead.