Adrian stared at Cassie as if she had slapped him, the blank nearly uncomprehending look in his eyes as well as his gaping mouth. He looked about to say something but without any idea what he'd had on mind, it was the look she had given him, the tease and that look. An image of his dream flashed into his mind again, Cassie in a purple track suit holding a very large weapon. He shook his head as he felt Akana's hand on his shoulder, "I'm fine" he managed, "let's start moving and see if there are any sign posts." He was going to follow his own plan as they stepped into the otherwise insignificant looking corridor when he had the strangest feeling. It stopped in in his tracks as he was taking lead of the trio, he had been going right from the door when he turned slowly and looked behind him. He wasn't sure he could have gone any further if he'd tried to force himself, but he didn't, instead he followed the feeling and turned around. "I think...left is the right way..." He said the words quietly, he wasn't sure, but the feeling in his mind certainly was. Adrian started walking again, this time nothing in his mind stopped him, at the end of the hall they were following was the mail sorting room. It didn't need a sign post on the door, it had a big enough window instead, the room was empty except for the mail man they had followed and he had his back to the door. The amnesiac led Akana and Cassie past quickly and quietly, he didn't look armed but there was really no way to tell. It was two corridors later, a left and then a right when Adrian felt the stopping force in his mind again, it felt different, not as strong. It was while he took a moment to contemplate this that he heard the footsteps, they weren't rushing, but they were big booted and something in Adrian's mind said 'armed'. They were just coming round the corner when Adrian pushed Cassie and Akana back the way they had come. They were at a crossing of four corridors, the amnesiac only now realised how focused he had been on the part of his mind guiding him, he hadn't realised they had been traversing a maze. A split second thought that barged its way to the front of his mind, this coupled with a massive sudden dose of adrenalin cause Adrian to grab Cassie and Akana. He threw them down a corridor intersecting the one they were in before it met the 'crossroad'. Moments later a pair of security guards came up behind where they had been, "there he is! Fire!" The pair immediately raised their weapons and started shooting, had Cassie and Akana not been thrown down the other corridor they'd likely have been killed. Akana grabbed Cassie, ripped open the door of a nearby storage room and shoved the girl in before following. Adrian started running as the bullets hit the walls around him like horizontal rain, hand guns, not machine guns from the rate of fire and fortunate for him. Adrian ran past the crossing corridors, directly in front of the other pair of security guards, he kept going but the initial alert and gun fire from the other pair meant they were ready. He felt a sharp sting in his side but adrenalin kept him going, he vaguely heard a clatter and someone shout the word 'grenade' but he was already running at full pelt. It was the explosion which made a difference to his pace, it hit him from behind and blasted him forward. It was far enough away from Cassie and Akana that all they felt was the dull rumble of the roof collapsing from the explosion, the sound was something else however. One of the security personnel in the corridor yelled "you idiot! Alert Martha and the Doctor!" Elsewhere the creature everyone was taking for the Doctor stepped out of the room with the sensor, his work was done here and now he needed to rid himself of possible dangers to his plan. The Doctor took companions for a reason and they always helped him...well...usually, however even those that had posed a problem at one point or another had saved his life in others. Rose Tyler was an example of this. None the less, it proved that, Human or not, these 'chosen' of the Time Lord could pose a problem, whether or not the man himself had all of his memories. Malcolm stumbled back from Jack and nearly found himself sitting in a cleaner's bucket. He stopped in a off balance position, most of his body leaning back and his right hand against the wall behind him. He only started breathing once he was steady, at which point his breaths came is gasps. For a scientist he found his mind working slowly, it took him time to work out what Jack was saying and that he had asked him a question. "Um...uh...umm..." He was off to a brilliant start, noises were coming out of his mouth before he had formed the answer never mind the words to give it. "C...control centre I think...would be like her if she was ordered behind." They both knew she would have been on the field unless something or someone had kept he behind. Dr Malcolm Taylor didn't see any reason for the monster to have her with him, but there was a reason for him not to, she was one of the few people who would be able to pick out a fake Doctor from a real one. But then again, a regeneration could throw her off...could...maybe...Malcolm was still finding it hard to level his thoughts and a problem with too many variables was not what he needed. Malcolm looked around and suddenly felt claustrophobic, he needed to get out into the corridor at least. He grabbed the door handle just as there was a yell from someone outside and the door was thrown inwards. He found himself with the wind knocked out of him, thrown to the ground with another body on top of him. All he knew about his apparently attacker was the fact she had blonde hair, he coughed and rested his head back with a wheeze. Akana slammed the door shut and turned to find two others in the room she had chosen to hide with Cassie. In an instant her hood was down with one hand and in her other was a palm version of the Silurian rifles. She glanced at the ground where she had apparently managed to use Cassie to fell one of the possible attackers, her gun was pointed at the still standing one. "Who are you?" She hissed, if nothing else, her exposure to Adrian had taught her to pause before killing a possible threat, after all, the blonde and the amnesiac might still be useful. Only the explosion drew the Silurian's attention away, "Adrian" she whispered, her face visibly paled at the thought the amnesiac might now be dead. On the other side of the collapse Adrian coughed and lifted his face from the ground, he was sure he looked a mess, covered in cement dust. He touched under his nose and it came back red, cement dust and blood to boot apparently. As he heard the yell he looked behind him, there was no way anyone was getting through the collapse any time soon, it also didn't look like any patrols were on his side. He had thrown Cassie and Akana before anyone had seen them, so as far as he could tell he was still the most in danger...which he felt was a good thing. Adrian slowly lifted himself into a kneeling position, or tried to, he stifled a cry as pain flared in his side. His hand grabbed the painful area on instinct, he rolled onto his left side and his right hand came away red from the area just above his hip. Adrenalin kept the pain from reaching him in its full glory, but he knew it wouldn't be long before he couldn't move, especially if he didn't get to it right now. Adrian's hand was already shaking, his right leg felt numb, there was another bullet in his thigh but he couldn't feel it yet. As he struggled, lifting himself (on his left leg and arm for the most part) to his feet he staggered to the wall. His breathing was as bad as his walking, it came in shaky gasps. Adrian groaned in pain and leaned his head against the wall. He wasn't healing like he had before, "just when some alien weirdness would be handy" he muttered and tried to take a step forward. With his left hand against the wall and not too much weight on his right leg he took it as a chance he could make it. The map was in his mind again, but it didn't feel like a memory, this was an insistent pull...something else was driving him. It held the pain at a bearable level, this allowed him to nearly walk but there was no way he could run. He could feel something hot and wet running down his shoulder, another bullet. It had taken the time between waking up from a post fight stupor, to finding Cassie's house before he had healed last time. Considering he was much more badly injured this time, he didn't want to think how long it would take to heal, if he lived long enough... His mind had started on maths equations, the amount of blood loss of one bullet wound times the number of holes in him. Then there was another variable to consider, how long would it take him to reach the scanner, would he make it? He staggered on till he reached an elevator, his left hand struggled to reach the right back pocket of his jeans, fortunately what he was reaching for was sticking out. He grabbed Malcolm's card and scanned it, but rather than flashing green - it came up red. Adrian gave a grunt somewhere in between anger and pain, he held the card in his teeth and reached for the time in his left back pocket. He grabbed the sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the elevator console, he could have laughed if it didn't hurt so much when the green light came on. Elsewhere Martha had ordered a lockdown of the elevators to narrow the planet eater's options, she couldn't help but wonder where the thing was headed. She also couldn't help but grit her teeth in anger as she saw the thing use the Doctor's sonic screwdriver to gain access anyway. She turned away from the screen she had been looking at and grabbed her side arm, "I want the people he came in with found, I want them checked and in custody if they are Human, shot if they are anything else!" She ignored any questions as to what she was doing, she had seen where the elevator was headed. She was going to take the stairs and meet it there.