[quote=Phloem] Robert "Robbie" Verger 17 Male Psychopathy As the eldest — and only — son of a successful businessman and his beautiful wife, Robert Verger seemed to have everything handed to him on a silver platter. To outsiders, his life was enviable. To insiders, his life was a horror story.Robbie's parents were far too busy to deal with a young child, and so they tended to leave him in the care of a nanny. This detachment between parent and child, perhaps, was why Robbie's unusual and occasionally disturbing behaviour went undetected. Even as a young child, Robbie was far from normal; or, at least, as normal as his privileged life could let him be. He had a curiosity with playing with people, constantly lying and manipulating in order to get what he wanted. People never seemed to like staying around Robbie for long; his carers had a curious habit of never lasting more than a month at a time. Shrugging it off as the unreliability of the working class, Robbie's parents never even realized what he was capable of.After the unfortunate death of his baby sister, Robbie was the sole heir to his parents' fortune. Problem was, his share of the family fortune had been locked away from him; his father had all but cut him off after an unfortunate incident with a homeless man in Central Park. Eager to get his parents out of the way, Robbie planned their murder. But he got careless when he carried out his plans, believing he'd never get caught. In the end, he only managed to stab his father once in the stomach before a few members of the household staff wrestled him to the ground.Having been brought into custody, Robbie denied everything, leading some of the cops to believe that he was actually a good kid. But after several attempts to place what was wrong with him, they finally understood. He was a psychopath, his previous criminal record only confirmed the fact. While his parents had made good use of their money to keep him out of juvie before, they decided he was too much of a menace to keep around. Instead of getting sent to jail, however, he found himself at Wyvern. At first glance, Robbie might seem like someone you could easily make friends with. He's usually affable and polite (sometimes to the point of overdoing it), but that's only if he wants something from you. In truth, he's cruel and mercurial. He doesn't abide by the rules, he doesn't play fairly, and he certainly doesn't let anyone think they can get one up on him. Despite that, Robbie is a natural charmer and has a knack for controlling people to get what he wants. He is charismatic and calculating, possessing the ability of talking his way into and out of every situation imaginable. But that doesn't mean that with his playful banter, witty remarks and outright infectious laugh that he isn't dangerous. n/a Henry Verger - 51, fatherTina Verger (née Williams) - 48, motherEmily Verger - 6, sister, deceased - [/quote] accepted