Rose leaned back in her seat and grinned at the human’s body language; she liked a little bit of fight in her potential meals. Thinking back to her previous meeting with the Warden, she tried to gauge how long it she’d be in solitary for if she snacked on her. Probably a while, but she was going to be in here for a good chunk of her future, so she didn’t really have much to lose. She would miss the interactions of her fellow prisoners, though. She fed on all the intense emotions surrounding her, not as strongly as an empath would, but it excited her none the less. Sometimes when she was still on the outside, she’d touch one of her meals and portray their worst nightmare, just to get a rise out of them as she was feeding. Some of her more humane friends found this disturbing, but enjoying the suffering of others was the least of her character flaws. “I was thinking of mentioning it to her as well. As charming as it is that she’s leaving us presents like a domestic animal, they’re a little unsightly, and if there is a smell of death in the room, I’d prefer it be coming from my meal.” Today, Rose was clearly going for the obnoxious predator feel. In reality, she just really liked to stir up trouble. “Let me know how it goes, ta ta.” Rose exaggerated a Parisian accent and fluttered her hand at Selwyn. She rose to go meet some of her fellow inmates. Spotting a distraught looking harpy, the Warden’s favourite and the Centaur, she wandered over. “Hello,” Rose spoke to the group, and noticed the Harpy’s bloody talons. For some reason, Rose felt a pang of sympathy for the Harpy, something she hadn’t felt in years. She glanced around the group, and waited to see if they would acknowledge her. With this group, especially with Sloan, she felt like it would be prudent to test the waters a bit before being full on bitchy. Maybe she might even make a friend in this place, a novel idea.