Zen watched Shahbaz with careful eyes his gaze only moving as Dominick spoke his name, hearing he did go to his school only depressed him though it was obvious from the uniform he wouldn't have minded being wrong. When Shahbaz left Zen watched him until he faded into the distance, he made a mental note of him just in case he had to deal with things later. His attention returned to Dominick when he defended Shahabaz only to stand next to him, Zen's eye twitched seeing that Dominick didn't intend on going away. The last thing he needed to deal with was people right now, again this was a situation where he could have just ignored them and went on his way and he'd be in a better off position but that was hoping for too much now. "I don't care what his reasons were," Zen said shaking his head. "The reason doesn't change the fact it happened, and he doesn't need to correct the mistake, if he doesn't talk to me I'm happy and everything is how it should be." Zen looked over at Dominick seeing the smile on his face, he arched a brow at him before speaking again. "I don't know what the hell your deal is Yang or what you game is but you can go screw yourself if you think I'm walking with you I'm going ahead." Zen started walking but he froze as a realization hit him, he really didn't want to be alone with his thoughts right now, not after that messed up dream he had and furthermore the man next to him seemed to be blind or at least visually impaired. School's only been in sessions for three days, he wasn't sure if Dominick knew the way to school yet on his own, if he did then he could just abandon him but if he didn't then that could reflect badly later. There was someone that could tie the two of them together and what if something happened like he got lost, or hit by a car or something, he doubted people would give him the benefit of the doubt. Aside from the fact his conscience would eat at him, there was a pretty damn good chance it would reflect back on him poorly which would only mess up his already shitty reputation no pun intended. "Ah fuck it!" Zen exclaimed. "I need a distraction anyway after all the crap from this morning, damn news reports and everything else so I can deal with your nauseating presence Yang just don't stand too close, hurry up if your coming. The moment we reached the school however if you stay within five feet of me I can't promise my actions." With that Zen started walking shoving his hand into his pocket before he spoke remembered he had asked a question about the girl. "Yeah it was some red headed girl with huge ta-ta's, she yelled at me for calling her dual headlights sweater melons and kicked me. Don't see why that was necessary since it was a fact the things were freakin huge, personality was violent though found that out the hard way. Not entirely sure why I'm being descriptive since I believe you haven't seen her, that was not a crack at your sight either school's been open for three days I'd be surprised if you knew her. I know that damn girl goes to my school though and with that bodacious chest she'll be easy to pick out, when I get my hands around her neck...actually no that would just look bad without the whole story being known. Screw it I'll figure something out at some point."