[b]THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP[/b] Listen to the majestic Maxwell in full sprint. The power feet sinking into the sand and then blasting off with the force of a jet. Truly a majestic creature. So, how's it going? Yeah? That's good. Kinda just passing time here. Even at 100 mph, running through thick sand and heat, this is a potentially long trip. Which is why we're going to skip some time here. During the next three hours, Maxwell just continues to churn sand behind him, occasionally tossing remarks through the window to LeeRoy. "So, what exactly are we looking for?" "How in the hell did you end up here anyway?" The like. Not that he's REALLY interested in having a conversation because LO AND BEHOLD As soon as he asks where LeeRoy came from and how he hit him with his damn ship, he spots a....is that? Yes! It is! It's a city! In the horizon, past the dust and the clouds, Maxwell's fine eyes spot the telltale signs of a city! Tall buildings, more tall buildings. Woohoo! Success. As he gets closer, he notices that wow, this is a pretty dense city. Quite a few people, flying cars, spaceships, the like. All in all, honestly a very pretty locale. In the midst of the desert, these people have managed to create a thriving irrigation system, leading to foilage aplenty and plenty of green to offset the shit brown of the sand. Its certainly an improvement. "Sweet ass. A city. You know what that means. People. And where's the people-" His stomach rumbles incredibly loudly. We're talking like, 80 decibels. Thats like front row of a rock concert. Maxwell laughs. He doesn't know if LeeRoy is sleeping or not, but either way, he probably heard it. "Haha that's right stomach, where there's people there's food. And we haven't eaten in a while." Maxwell rushes to the edge of the city, unbuckles the ship, and leaves it there as he literally stampedes through the town to find some food. Thankfully, there's really only two types of transportation in this city. Flying cars, and walking. Which means there's plenty of room in the middle for Maxwell's huge ass to not trample on anyone and really, once they feel the vibrations from his 3000 pound frame stomping towards them, they generally get out of the way. Along the way he hears many comments, many of them pertaining to how they've never seen someone quite so large. Yeah, he gets that a lot. After parading around town for a little bit trying to lock on to the best smell, he finds exactly what he is looking for. A butcher shop. Filled to the brim with a variety of local and exotic meats. But uh, not for long. "Hello there! I would like to purchase everything, please." The butcher can only look at him with a stunned and awed silence, his mouth hanging agape. "No, you heard me right. Everything. Every single piece of meat you have for sale." [i]"O-Okay, but do you have the money to pay for it, sir?"[/i] Maxwell looks offended at the question. "Of course I have money! I'm not going to pilfer food from you. I bet you worked hard for that food. That I am now going to purchase and take from everyone who may needed to buy meat today and possibly for the next couple of weeks." Maxwell reaches into the pouch on his belt, that yes, it has in fact been there the entire time, and withdraws a gold bar. "Um, do you guys take gold? It's kind of the only thing I have to pay with me." [i]"Of course sir! Honestly, I'd give it to you for free as long as you didn't punch me. You are a very large individual, and it looks like you can punch very, very hard." [/i] Maxwell laughs heartily, thanking the butcher and loading the literal shopsworth of meat product into a gigantic rucksack that the butcher was kind enough to throw in. Smiling happily at the thought of a 100k calorie meal, Maxwell heads back in the direction of LeeRoy's ship, when he notices a little something that catches his eye. It's an antique shop! Maxwell loves antiques, because he's found that in his journeys, antiques are far and away the most likely objects to be filled with special powers. Entering the shop, he waves his hand to the kind old lady (If a bit stereotypical) at the counter. She smiles back, and pans her hand around to the many, many antiques in her business. Most of them are completely useless to Maxwell. He'd love to own them and put them on a dresser or a table or something, but this isn't exactly the proper environment for that. One thing that does actually catch his interest is a couple of rusty old whistles. "A-Are those train whistles? What in the hell are train whistles doing on a planet like this? I don't this planet has ever had trains. How peculiar." He buys them. Why? Why not. Satisfied with all his purchases, he heads back to the ship, this time, actually getting there.