“No, Cyder. I’ve got far more useful things to do; It’s not like we’re needed there any wa—“ Alan attempted to reply before being, to some extent literally crushed, the weight of his ‘friend’ in the form of an overly large feline landing atop him forcing him face-first flat upon the ground three of his ribs breaking possibly in multiple spots by the crunching sound they made as he met the ground. Slightly irritated, Alan hissed “Cyder, get off me before I painfully rearrange your insides.” Or atleast he tried to, most of it coming out as a gargled “Mrphrm Grmphrmr mnghrmrmhrn mrmrphgr.” With a mouthful of dirt and grass, his chest already beginning to produce smoke around its edges, the scent of being that of what can only be described as rotting flesh, as his bones attempted to force themselves back into place even with the weight upon his back still. Miss Freil now stood by the gates, her violet robes catching the light breeze as a smile curled upon her lips, “Good afternoon, young ones and welcome to my Institute. Here you will learn everything from the simplest of maths to the full extent of your magical prowess and how to increase it greatly; as well as the physical counterpart.” She flicked her wrist and in an instant a purple mist coalesced just to her right at eye level, soon taking the form of a floating clipboard and quill. “If you will line up, i will make sure you are all accounted for and then Andwyl and I will give you a short tour before we let you get settled in.” Right on queue the small bird fluttered out of the school’s front doors and perched on top of her slightly ruffled, violet witch’s hat.