Rosalie made no move to scold Gore for speaking up. It was not as if she was unaware of what rule the Blood Dragon followed as her servant, but more so that she was not as serious about being an owner as others might have been. She did not, after all, come here with intentions of becoming a master to anyone, really, and neither did she plan to spend what she had. She was a bit disheartened by the loss, but she was going to find a way to make it so that buying Gore was not a waste of her money. Going by what she had seen of his fighting prowess three weeks earlier, she did not mind him fighting but she doubted she would have the time to enter him in any battles for the moment. Money? She could get that back, but time was something that would never return to her. The girl found that it took her mind a few moments to make sense of what Gore would say, though, mind being a bit slower to register his pattern of speech than that of the man behind the desk. It was going to take some getting used to, that much was evident, but it made things slightly more interesting, if she did say so, herself. She wanted to laugh at how outdated his speech and accent was, but now was definitely not the time to poke fun so openly, so she settled for cracking a smile. Seeing Gore become so wary over taking a picture made her smile grow. He wasn’t camera shy. No, it probably would be the first photo taken of him that he would be aware of. “That’s a camera.. It really is harmless...” She replied. His knowledge of the world today really was limited. She wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow got himself caught in an automatic door or something of the like. The collar and chain set upon the desk by the man made Rosalie look back to Gore, tilting her head slightly as she tried to imagine him with such a thing - meant to lead dogs - around his neck. It was meant to show status and make the owner feel important, was it? She brushed her fingers lightly over the chain before picking up the collar and actually examining it. “These are... wonderful. Thank you.” She was already imagining herself being pulled along, but in some cases, it may actually come in handy. She was unsure when, but since it came with the dragon, she could always keep it as a souvenir of this day if she wanted. It would become a symbol, a bitter reminder of what she had lost in exchange for something or someone she did not actually need. How was she supposed to ask herself if she wanted or needed something for sale now? She neither needed nor wanted Gore, but something told her that she would feel a bit guilty if she did nothing to help him when she had the chance. “I would love lessons... though I’m not sure if I would have the time to attend them all.” She shook her head. Maybe she would not need them. “This meeting was a pleasure,” Rosalie said in reply to the man, “I look forward to when we next meet.” It really did look like she was going to have keep the number given to her by the man. Rosalie could already imagine the questions that might arise from her travels and asking someone who knew their stuff was clearly the best solution. While she stared down at the card, she paid little attention to what the man was now doing until Gore spoke, causing her to snap her head up and try to see what he was referring to. [i]foul looking creature? Seems like someone doesn’t know himself...[/I] She thought, shaking her head. She did find the scene a bit endearing, though. The way he had been talking during the auction made him seem like he knew what was happening in the world, but really? It seemed more that he liked the sound of his own voice to her. When she caught Gore looking to her, she actually froze, immediately wondering if he had mistakenly said that thought out loud. Was he angry? Rosalie waited, actually narrowing her eyes at him in a light frown before flicking her gaze over to the man. Good. She hadn’t said anything. “I think it’s too dark to be travelling anywhere. My expenses for getting here and staying a few days have already been paid for. I don’t live in this city.” She rubbed her arms, dreading the trip back home. [i]At least Sigmund and Eric won’t get me for not taking pictures of the Blood Dragon in his true form. They’ll get the real thing like this man here...[/I] “You don’t, Ms?” The registration manager asked. “Though, I suppose I shouldn’t be all that surprised. A lot of people travelled quite a long way just to be here for tonight and as it is on a normal day, we get a lot of fresh new faces passing by. I can imagine it being difficult to get a booking in.” “It was... The two who booked the room for me said I owed them one.” Rosalie laughed lightly, folding her arms. “Looks like my debt’s paid and more.” Being the time to leave, she walked ahead of Gore, thinking of ways she could at least get a few favours out of the two brothers. It should be easy, she believed, sending a quick glance over her shoulder at the Blood Dragon. The night was still festive, not showing any clear signs of dying down just yet. Looking over at Gore when he spoke, Rosalie had to take a few steps back. He really was quite tall. “You may,” she said with a slight nod, listening to what he had in mind. When he thanked her, though, it was so unexpected that she only stared back at him. This lizard has manners? First, he was childlike and now this? Wasn’t he supposed to growl and mention something about how he had fun killing the hunters? At least that would be more believable than this. She recovered and nodded, looking Gore straight in the eye. “You saved me, first, and I felt like I owed you one.” The girl then gestured to the place they were in, “Aaaaand.. Here were are. I wouldn’t be standing here, either, if you hadn’t saved me. Thank you. A fair exchange, don’t you think?” She started walking ahead at that point, not really having much to say over the arrows save for, “it’s fine”. Rosalie did not care if Gore somehow managed to figure out why she had helped him then. She wouldn’t say. A thing like that? It was no big deal compared to what Gore had done for her. The girl knew that and she would hate herself to admit that much to the dragon. “The two people who paid for my expenses... They’ve already paid for the room. Might as well make the most of it... and... I’d rather think of how I’d get back home later, if that’s alright.” [i]I don’t have enough to get back at all...great. Just great.[/I] Rosalie sighed, spinning on her heels to walk backwards, looking over her shoulder every once and a while to avoid crashing into someone. “Hmm... think fast.” She told him, throwing her camera to him. If he wanted to play around with it, then she would let him. After all, Sigmund and Eric wouldn’t need the pictures now that she would be bringing them the real thing. Rosalie also wanted to see how he would react to it seeing as he never got the chance to take a proper look at the first one he saw. It may have been slightly different, but the function was the same. “You’re going to have to get used to this time and age. You mentioned the arena at one point, didn’t you? I’m not going to spend my time on that unless I really have to.” She stopped, taking a minute to look at the stall with the holograms and whatnot. “I’m just going to warn you that you’ll be seeing a lot of strange things around here.. Things that wouldn’t have been around back then... If you’re interested, I’ll let you look around. No point wasting this night.” Rosalie turned away from Gore with a sigh, folding her arms. “Also, your wounds... how would you be holding up?”