Outwardly, Robbie appeared the epitome of tepid disinterest, but things were actually starting to get interesting. Surreptitiously turning to watch the exchange between the two, the sudden mention of a slaughterhouse caught his attention. Nearly everyone in the country had heard of the Verger Meat Packing Company, in fact, how could they not? They controlled nearly the entire market, and it was only a matter of time until they took over it all. Papa always told him about how he was the heir of their meat packing dynasty, but now, it just seemed like a far off dream. Or nightmare, really. Spending the rest of his life overseeing the mass genocide of pigs and cattle? Not exactly his idea of fun. Turning his attention back to reality, Robbie glanced over his shoulder at the people seated in the back. A delightful menagerie of disorders, for sure. He smoothly got up from his seat, making his way to the second to last row. Putting on his "friendly" face (he's practised it so many times he could do it in his sleep), he seated himself and poked his head out from behind the headrest. "You two seem pretty normal." he started, raising an eyebrow as he briefly glanced at the piece of paper clutched in the girl's hand. Robbie couldn't quite decipher what the formless scribbles meant, but he'd managed to overhear enough of their conversation to realise it was part of her condition. Hypergraphia, wasn't it? Pushing the thought to the back of his mind for the moment, he put on his signature million watt smile. His disposition seemed naturally affable, but to someone especially observant, they might've been able to see through his act. "We should stick together." "Robert Verger. Very nice to meet you both." He looked back and forth between Jack and April before extending his hand, smile unfaltering.