Jack glanced down at the girl. Normally, he would just smile and agree to stick with this girl, but this was a totally different place, and he didn't agree with himself being "sane". Though he was thankful he wasn't hallucinating. "If I were sane, I wouldn't be here," he answered instead. "You don't seem to be so crazy though, either." He turned his attention back to the guy who was talking about murdering his family. The brutal story reminded him of his own first time using a knife on someone and he took a deep breath and turned to the girl again. But no one here knows him, so no one knows any of that; he probably looks normal among these people right now, like the girl said. Maybe he should take advantage of that fact for a while. Two other people were talking to them now, he realized. He watched the Thomas guy interrupting while Jack didn't move to shake the hand. "I'm Jack," he told the group, and didn't add anything more to say yet.