The ancient Dragon followed his new Master tenaciously, looking around at the city that he barely had a chance to see. When they brought him here, they kept him under a tarp and chain as if he were some horrible thing. Looking back at the girl in front of him, he wondered why she would rarely look back at him. Did he bother her? The thought brought back a memory of several other owners who he was given to since they were children. Often they would shy away and avoid looking at him when he was around, sometimes out of fear or just because they were simply shy away from new people. That could be it! Though this girl was almost fully grown, at least for a human. So he simply bit his tongue, nodding to her each time she looked at him. "Master..the darkness nay hinders my eyes. I can see in the dark. My people were glorious predators in the realm when mankind had not shown themselves yet. We hunted the largest of of which who enjoyed smacking me with it's face..That creature confused me greatly.." Gore blinked, realizing that he had hinted toward his age among other things. "What I mean to say, that I can aid your venture nay matter the sun or moon's gaze..I even could speak of what your kind are doing several hearths down from where we stand if that is what you wish." Keeping his head down, Gore tried not to speak too much. It wasn't that he enjoyed his voice, but this was really the first time he had spoken to a single living person in ages. He had been in his cave for so long that he hasn't seen anyone in ages and he enjoyed conversation, Human or not. Dragons felt lonely too. Looking over at the festivities, The Blood Dragon's eyes fell on the holograms shown, making him tilt his head at them. They looked so realistic, as if he really were standing on them. "..It is as if I had bred with a mate and held little ones...A great many of these things are all around.." Looking over at the others that seemed to be on other tables, he questioned where they came from and more so, what they were. He didn't seem to mind though as the children all gathered for them, asking their parents to buy them. "The last I had walked amongst your kind..Humans had a desire to throw things at me..Children would gather around and kick at a Dragon as if to tempt his or hand.." Without realizing he had said that out loud, his dark teal eyes widened before immediately finding himself bowing his head, biting his tongue. "You have my apologies, Master..I nay had meant such words..I shall not speak of such things again." Gore wasn't going to say that his memories were meaningless or that he was wrong to say them. He just knew that Dragons should never speak of the past, especially when not questioned about it. Humans were..fragile creatures. They never wanted to hear about how horrible they truly were. Moving along, Gore had found himself looking over a great many things until something was thrown at him. He caught it, immediately making it flash in his face. His eyes widened as he bared his fangs, growling at it as it flashed at him again, making him whimper. Leaning down, he bit at it, trying to find out what the hell it was. "This sorcery..I nay enjoy such things!" He said in a rather cute way, biting more at the camera, causing it to flash repeatedly against his teeth, mouth and face. Gore immediately recoiled, moving his long slithery forked tongue around his mouth, coughing as if he had something in his mouth. "It must have infected me, The light had been in my mouth!" Snapping his jaws, he found nothing wrong, making him growl at the Camera, narrowing his eyes at it. Looking over at his master, he wondered what her reaction was to the weird device, making him look at her, questioning what her intentions were. He didn't know whether or not she was enjoying tormenting him or if she just wanted to make him learn. After another minute, he remembered what she had called it. "..Camera..Your words claim it takes images and it is harmless..aye, I shall remember such." Keeping his claw around it, he tried not to damage the Camera. The last thing Gore had wanted was to enrage his new master, especially when her intentions were completely confusing him. "Master..May I venture another question?" Gore had looked her over and observed the way her eyes had ventured onto him among other things. The questions the man at the desk had asked seemed to catch her off guard and often were shrugged off by her. Now the Blood Dragon was no expert to how Human kind were with these things, but the eyes Rosalie had..They spoke volumes. "..Nay, forget such questions. I hold little concern over why." With that, he nodded and moved closer to her, looking around to keep himself busy. He was still curious but he didn't want to speak out against his owner, besides he wasn't even sure what he wanted to ask. "..My kind nay hold any belief in what you call 'debt'. Aye, we seek vengeance, we return favor when required..When it comes to a life, we believe the strong decide the turn of the tide..You venturing into such a horrid of places? You nay belonged there. Your kind are cruel and vicious creatures..They would have taken you and possibly abused you in ways nay any such be abused. Then they would have discarded you and treated you as a casualty..That is why I had aided you. Better with the monster whom would not treat you as a doll, that a group of wretches who would only see what they can breed with..forcefully." Gore didn't mention the other thing. He couldn't. How she actually thanked him and showed him that there was hope for humanity in some small way. If he did, she probably would lose even the littlest of respect for him that she may have. With a quick nod, Gore looked at her with a bit more seriousness to his eyes. "Aye, the arena. As you have witnessed, I am nay a stranger among conflict and pain. I can endure any Dragonkin that wishes to attempt to defeat me. Though I know little of your culture..I remember your kind must bet on the Dragon of whom they believe will win and unfortunately..Unless they odds are against me, profit will be unlikely. Though that is nay to such things as I cannot grant my Master coin. If you wish to place faith in my flame, then I can take on the greatest of odds, even against multiple creatures at once. I believe if the right amount of threat is placed against me, your pockets shall fill." With that said, he nodded and moved his gaze back to the sights of the city. It generally was beautiful and well lit. That is until she mentioned wasting her time on the arena, making him sigh and nod to her. "Your hearth, Master?" Asked the Blood Dragon, looking at the sky. With that, he looked around and questioned why she was so concerned with returning. "If you wish to return to your hearth, I can return you there now if you wish. Aye your kind have changed a great deal..but if you merely point the way in which to return you, I could bring you to where you wish to go." Even as old as he was, he knew that he could never tell how the world had changed in his time gone. Cities were built and demolished in the time he retreated from the world and even slumbered. Getting lost would be a problem if she was tired. "We would require to halt our efforts periodically though. In the battle in which they captured me, A small span of your minutes had passed in which seemed like hours. Nay am I fast enough to close a great distance in a span of minutes and riding without proper protection from my scales could harm you..That is the last thing I would wish to do, Master." "Aye, I agree..My knowledge of your time is short handed and if I am required to venture anywhere with you..I know little of what I can cloth myself in, your people, and even the lands. They had changed a great deal since last I seen them..The sky looks marvelous and beautiful." Seeing a firework go off made Gore's dark eyes light up, smiling at it. That is when he was brought back to reality when he looked around at the place they would be staying. "Aye, wounds are of little consequence. Though..For Dragons, when wounded in one is difficult to shift to the other form as it is difficult for your kind to move when wounded..The onslaught in which your kind had invaded my hearth had left my wings wounded..which is why I had mentioned the halt in your venture home periodically. I nay know much of the extent of how wounded I am, but I am still healing. Hah your kind had dealt quite a great deal to me." The Blood Dragon didn't like mentioning weakness, but if he were expected to fly, she should know why he would need to stop every few hours. His wings were brutally wounded. -All- for her sake. "Does my Master wish for me to remain outside?" He asked, looking at her. "If you wish to retire into this place, I would understand if you wish for me to stay out here and wait for you until the dawn in my true form."