Name: Dr. Albert W. Wily Role: Villain Brief Bio: Dr. Wily was born to an impoverished German family in the 1960's, never having toys growing up. He dedicated himself to his studies, though, vowing to get a better life than the ridicule he endured at school. After graduating from college in his 30's, at one time a researcher at the Robert Institute of Technology. Wily created many robots alongside Dr. Light. The two responsible for advancements in the field of robotics. Though Wily won many awards in his time, Dr. Light constantly upstaged him. Tired of being one step behind Dr. Light and sick of never receiving credit for their creations, he moved to an island in the Pacific Ocean and created a giant robot factory to set out to rule the world. After many attacks, Wily was approached with a membership offer by the Legion of Doom. Needing funding and seeing the value of backup should his activities take a turn for the worst, he accepted the offer and went back to work. Wily's attacks were mostly on populated areas, in hopes of adding weight to his threats. He's attacked Atlantis a few times, using Bubble Man and Wave Man. That got stopped by Aquaman fairly quickly. But more often than not goes for centers of economy, culture, or places with natural resources to expand his robot army. He's come into conflict with the Justice League a number of times, and has a guard team specifically devoted to fighting them- Crystal Man, Flash Man, Magic Man, Pharaoh Man, and Hard Man. He's only attacked Metropolis once, and doesn't want anything to do with Gotham. Dr. Wily has repeatedly attempted to take over the world, mostly from behind the scenes, and relies on his membership in the Legion of Doom to keep eyes away from his factory. From the original six Robot Masters to the more recent Ra Moon and Stardroid units he discovered in a crashed UFO, Dr. Wily has formed a robot army many times, with his motives varying from world domination to revenge, only to see his plans foiled time and time again. This has led him to switch from world domination schemes to more profitable crimes. After all, can't do much work from a cell. Abilities: Dr. Wily is a master roboticist, capable of building and programming sentient machines with capabilities rivaling those of most superheroes. Surprisingly, he also has limited training in ninja techniques- mostly the ones regarding escapes or trapmaking. He is also capable of building large fortresses and large-scale planning. Personality: Wily, though a genius in his own right, has shown to be ignorant and opinionated at times. Wily has also demonstrated himself to be something of a coward, as his trademark action after the final boss fight with him is to grovel on the ground begging for mercy. He surrounds himself with deathtraps and the like in order to have protection from superheroes, but knows when to cut and run. As diabolical as he may be, Wily has exhibited rare moments of decency and goodness in his character. In recent arcs, Wily tells Ra Moon that he loves his creations (considering Bass and Zero as sons), and he has been known to perform some acts of kindness in return for mercy. If a hero saves his life in the course of stopping him, he'll often do something for their home city- a few blueprints for industrial equipment, or sending some robots to help rebuild after an alien attack. Before his descent towards insanity, Wily was shown to be an ordinary, yet diligent scientist. In addition, he was shown to be genuinely helpful to Dr. Light, though he still harbored a tinge of jealously towards his former friend and colleague. Appearance: [url=]The one and only.[/url] Dr. Wily is an aging, balding man with a moustache and rather wide grey hair with a big cleft chin. He is almost always wearing comfortable clothing which is lab-safe: A lab coat, long-sleeved shirt beneath it, closed shoes, and blue jeans. Affliation: Legion of Doom Other: Wily seldom commits crimes in person, sending one or more of his Robot Masters in order to carry out his villainy. Of course, sometimes you just have to get the job done yourself.