Victor kept a wide cocky grin on his face as he watched Jemma react. At first, she seemed shocked, but to his surprise, she didn't scream. At least, not yet she didn't. Jemma seemed to be taking it in. Victor pondered as to which part of the whole scenario she was confused by the most. Was it the fact that an actual ghost came when she asked? Or perhaps it was his appearance? He did, after all, look like a regular guy, with the exception of a few ghostly glows here and there. Victor opened his mouth, as if to speak, but was interrupted. Jemma, the girl, started screaming loudly. Victor's eyebrows frowned in confusion. Even he was surprised at this sudden outburst. He thought she would just stutter and not be able to say anything, but even after staring at him for what seemed like forever, the girl began to scream. Victor backed up, and put his hands against the wall. Would the dad come? His question was soon answered after he heard loud clunks of footsteps. Immediately, Victor went invisible, and pressed himself against the corner of the room. His eyes widened as her dad ran to her and picked her up. They had a conversation, and then the dad went to the bathroom to get some medical supplies. Medical supplies? Victor looked closer, and saw that Jemma was cut really badly. His eyes widened and he quickly floated over, and stood in front of her, now visible.. If there's one thing a ghost was never to do, it was to hurt someone. Only evil spirits and demons did that, not ghosts. Ghosts are generally very peaceful, and they don't like getting people into danger or harming them, contrary to popular belief. "I'm sorry..." Victor said to the girl, and instinctively reached his hand out to touch the wound, but stopped. It wouldn't even make a difference; he was a ghost. As a matter of fact, it would probably make it feel worse, since the air around him was like ice. Victor slowly backed away as he heard her dad stumble over the cat. Victor sighed deeply, and placed a hand to his forehead. He turned away from the girl, and began to slowly pace back and forth. [i] It's not your fault, Victor. It's not your fault.[/i] he thought to himself angrily. [i] She shouldn't have reacted like that! After all, you weren't the one to push her on the glass, right?[/i] Victor tried his best to validate what he believed, but at the end, he just looked and the ground and shook his head. His eyes drifted up to her, and he didn't know how to feel. Anger, regret, and confusion whirled around in his head. He paused for a second, and was about to speak when her dad threw open the door. Within seconds, Victor was invisible. He retreated back into the corner and watched what they would do. Hopefully the problem would solve itself.