Charlie watched as the others struck up in conversation. She was used to being ignored, in fact she usually craved it, but now she felt different...she actually...kind if wanted to be talked to. She slowly uncurled herself and sat up properly, giving a cautious glance at the seat as her long legs pressed against it. Nobody was in the back with her, probably because she'd scared them away when they were all loaded up, so she barely caught words in Thomas' conversation with everybody else. "Kill" "Corpse" and "So I" gave her enough information, Thomas' was a killer, great. Charlie nervously looked around at the empty seats next to her. Had she really scared everybody else away with her "problem"? Was she that terrible?! She sighed and looked down sadly, now convinced that she was the reason for the chaos. "Ugh..." She muttered quietly, becoming slightly irritated. "I need my pills, damnit!!"