[quote=Blitzkrieg] I liked them.We are getting cool movies, I wish people would stop being little pricks about it. If you don't like it, don't watch it and move on with your life. And it's an old story, they change it from the book to keep up with the times, and yes, also money. And I'm glad that it's "predictable", I am fucking sick of all the stupid plot twists and betrayals that are in every fucking movie now. For once, I want to see a cool, "the good guys win and things are fucking awesome movie".I read a review about it after I saw it where the person spent about one paragraph on the actual movie and the rest of the article on how "shameful it was for Jackson to make the female elf such a minor character and that she should have been a stronger feminine hero and shame on him for not doing that, I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA!"What the fuck is my point anymore, gah I want to kill something. [/quote] I think the point here was that, "All movies these days involve the good guys win and everything is an epic battle/explosion/fall through space or a long drop and land bad ass".