[center][b]"Waaaiiit~" [/b] A small voice called out and had caught Nakamura's attention. [b]"Edel!"[/b] She called out waving to her. [b]"Aren't you excited? We're finally going to meet the surface people!"[/b] She announced, and continued. [b]"I wonder how many friends we'll be able to make!"[/b] She nodded in return to Edel's statement. [b]"Of course you can go the surface with me! We're already there!"[/b] Before Nakamura reached the step of a small steep. She heard a voice calling out to them. She let her body float in the water as she waved at the young boy. [b]"Hey there, mind if I join you?"[/b] The young boy asked, Nakamura nodded and pointed ahead. [b]"We were just leaving! Come tag along buddy!"[/b][/center]