Taeyeon looked at the time putting on her school uniform as she swam out of her room going to her father and kissing him on the cheek. "Sorry dad! I am sooo late, I do not want to be late to go to school. I am never late!" she nodded to herself giving him a quick hug as she opened her house door and swam out of her house into the surface, she had to swim fast. "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming." she said to herself swimming as suddenly she was in the surface, she popped her head out and swam to the shore. She wasn't so used to be in land or anything but she had to get used to it. Her legs shooked a little but she didn't care. The sight of the land was the most beautiful thing that she has ever seen! And the smell, wow. Taeyeon looked around seeing her classmates waiving at them and walking towards Eldel. "Heeeey!~"