Username: tobiax Name: Giana (Gian) Stephanie Malorious Amethyst Petrifata Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 23 Appearance: [img=] Her hair is dark and lightly spiked, and her garment is, usually, a purple stained hard-leather formed tunic made of several pieces, as well as moderately loose leather pants that are rather tough. There is a triangular scar on the right side of her face, over her cheek bone. Alignment: Neutral Good Elemental Affinity: Wind? Personality: Giana prefers to keep things simple. She deals with things as they come, and usually treats everyone the same, whether they like it or not is up to them. She also doesn’t seem to care much for nationality, or nationalism in any form. She often prefers to keep to herself, but isn’t beyond using her personable charms. Bio: Once a distantly related noble of Umbra, she was accused of being having affections with an orc, and was thus banished and shamed. This was not made public knowledge, and her exitance was swept under the rug. Now, she wanders without purpose, just looking for some sense in the world. Skills: Healing Song Cast Flame Arctic Wind Summon Vines Dischord Hook Punch Bluff: Charm Bluff: Deceive Bardic Knock (Counter Song) [Invigorating Song] [March Song] Homeland: Umbra Stuff you own: Violin(wood)-1 Strung Bow(Violin(Wood))- 1 Dust Bag- A bag of light, airy dust. It obscures the area by drifting about like a grey/black fog. (20 units) Violin Strings- 20 units Violin pegs- 20 units Bow String(Violin)- 3 units Pellets(Iron)(Musket)- 50 units Spear(light)- 1 Glaive(musket based)- 1 Terran Sky Lance- A large piece of anti-infantry “artillery”. Its rifled barrel directs oblonged bullets of relatively large size over long distances. It requires a cart or pack animal as well as a base to transport and use, and can difficult to maneuver due to the weight of the barrel and the bladed end. Bullets(Caliber .50) - 15. Rope(one length) 50 ft. Bags (Large)- 2 Bags (Small)- 2 Ignan Pangolin Other:She has a chip on her shoulder related to things concerning Ignis, as they slaughtered the horses, and she's running out of threads for her bow.