Being unsuccessful In connecting with the Demonology teacher Hector went through his day of two more classes before school let out. He then atarted wandering to his car talking to curious students on the way. A few wanted demonstrations of his abilities and he laughed feeling a bit awkward. "Okay, okay. Um... doea anyone have a water bottle?" He asked "Oh here!" One of them rummaged through there bag and handed a half full bottle to him. "Okay," he said. "Oops, what? Is your backpack refrigerated?" He said holding out the now frozen bottle. "whoa!" One exclaimed. "Awesome!" Said another. Hector then set it on the ground upside down. "Now step back." He then concentrated on the bottle and the ice that was once water turned to steam almost instantly causing the bottle to explode rather loud. "Ta da!" He said. seeing a school prefect coming this way he then added. "Okay lets get our stories straight. When the prefect asks... it was Johnathan." He pointed to one in the group and they all laughed. The prefect, spotting Hector in the group near where the bottle had exploded disregarded the mater entirely and went back to patrolling.