"Hey, yeah, yeah, I'm alright, just a few scrapes is all!" He said, as he picked himself up, and dusted off his clothes. "Hey, hey, thanks, man." He said, smiling at the no doubt dim witted oaf who helped him. He would need allies like these in his hunt to fight crime, better to make friends instead of enemies! He held his hand out, a gesture of good will. "The name's Sam, Sam Spectre, but my REAL name is Phantom Skull!" He said, cheerfully. All that cheer was gone, however, once the [i]Authority[/i] reared his ugly head. "I'm up, I'm up!" He called out, before shrugging as the good man read off their housing. Inwardly, he analyzed the man. Tough looking, even tougher sounding. But with that armor, how tough was he really? Obviously with his need to shout and assert his authority he was overcompensating for something. Upon further consideration, Samuel realized that possibly the adage of 'those who can't, teach' applied here. This man, surely could not be anything special. He was not old enough to be a veteran, someone retired from active heroing, so who was he? He wasn't a has been, he was a never was, and, was a true shame. Samuel realized that he could not respect this man, and so he would undermine him, not strategically, but in farcialities. "Geeze, get a load of captain hard ass, huh?" He muttered to his new friend. What was his name...?