(Leo) Leo was in a small village on the upper arm with his mentor George. He was training to become one of the chosen ones to get the Goddess cells. Leo struggled with the training but he was determined to get it right so that he would pass the test. George was teaching Leo how to combat magic since Leo couldn't use magic yet. (Apollo) Apollo was over seeing one of squads of Harvesters returning from a quest. Apollo said "what's the status." The leading class B said "all harvesters were able to reach 80% capacity." Apollo said "good, keep this up and you may be given extra energy." The Class B said "yes sir" then that squad left. Then another Class A approached Apollo. "The General wishes to see you Apollo" Apollo nodded and went to see Julius who was in the main base of the macrobians. Apollo knelt before Julius "what is you command General" Julius stood up and said "I believe it's time that we gave the surface dwellers something to fear." Apollo looked up at Julius and said "how?" Julius said "Summon all the class As and half the class Bs and bring them to me" Julius smiled and said "we are going to visit a surface village." Apollo stood up "right away General" he then left.