Kirk looked at Soa. Something... Something was off. He felt that he should protect her, to care for her, and he wanted to, but... But there was only one that he cared about. His Fair Lady; what was she doing? Was she okay? Is she in danger? This thoughts ran through his head as he looked to the little girl. She was evoking these same feelings, yet at the same time, they were conflicting. He cared for the Fair Lady, and wanted nothing more than to return to her but... Kirk clenched his fists. By now Soa had already walked towards her room, and Kirk followed. He had to fight this feeling, stay faithful to his Fair Lady, and simply tolerate this girl until he can return to his world. He has killed many before, the young and innocent, the evil and ancient. And he would kill more for his Fair Lady, he would do anything for her. Even if it meant doing what this Soa asked of him.