Well, that took more time than I anticipated, but here's my CS. Name: Alexi -192 Age: 6 [url=http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01466/meteor_1466319c.jpg]Appearance Without Armor[/url] Appearance With Armor:[hider=Armor][img]http://imageshack.com/a/img839/8942/4uet.png[/img][/hider] (In due time, of course) Team Position: Demolitions Personality: Riotous, stubborn to a fault, and lacking a brain to mouth filter, Alexi doesn't make friends very well, let alone work together with others, having a habit of charging off on his own to do whatever he wants. This doesn't mean he can't play nice with others, he simply generally chooses not to. Not the most book smart, but has a knack for on the fly intuition and street smarts, as is commonly described. Bio: Alexi is a military brat, both parents UNSC Marines stationed on Reach, acting as security for various programs and installations on the planet, not spending long periods of time together, let alone with their son. In essence, he was raised by the education system and his own machinations, ending up in more than a few brawls over with other kids for just about any reason, whether legitimate or otherwise. Whether this was an attempt to garner attention from his parents, or for other reasons was never established, the young boy moving around too much for any long term treatments or studies. While his academic performance was lack luster, his sheer stubbornness would garner the attention of outside forces, and make his acquisition interesting. While being six did limit what he could do, Alexi did not go quietly when the ONI spooks came and collected him under the pretense of a "Psych Evaluation Program" that was being offered to his parents. The flash clone would not last long after he was secreted away. Homeworld: Reach Primary Weapon: M319 Individual Grenade Launcher Secondary Weapon: M6C Personal Defense Weapon System Supplies: x2 M168 Demolition Charges, Ammo Storage and 12 Grenade Launcher Rounds, Combat Knife Misc Info: Currently unlikely to listen to orders, and would gladly pick a fight if he figures he could come out on top Halo