As the bell rang and everone found their seats the board cleared and the door closed. He looked up at his students waiting a moment to talk. The silence seemed to scream something was wrong. "We are changing things up at Crimson." He paused watching the students resting his gaze for just a moment on Inigo. "We have received word that the Void planet, many of you have heard of it, has had a mobilization. Now we have been monitoring this planet and there have been mobilizations in the past, but nothing quite like this one. The governments have decided to instate our shool for it's true purpose: to battle them when they come. Some of you may know that the enrollment here binds you to this, and that means you are all soldiers in train now. Schooling will still be implemented as much as we can, though, much of your time will be spent honing your skills to be as proficient as can be when the time comes." Hector felt sorry for all of the students. They were being g unjustly forced to become weapons for the government. He looked down at his notes, the same notes that were being read to every class at this time, and shook his head. "Some of you are scared and confused, and I know... I am too. Any questions or concerns can be asked now."