A cold breeze blows though the town of Dry Hook. A young Spell-Born boy, his eyes slightly glowing blue, sporting a ripped, small top hat and overalls that were too big for him, walks down a path with no shoes on. Under his arm, he was holding 6 posters, and in his hand a bucket of glue. He stopped in front of a wall, which said TODAY’S NEWS. The boy set down his things and grabbed a ladder that was always behind the Wall. He put up the ladder and glued the poster to the wall. He stepped down. Before leaving for the next one, he looked at the poster, trying to read it. He never learned to read, but he knew a few words. Gob... Goblin. His mother always told him to stay away from that word, but he read on. Goblin kin… kind? No that was a G. King. Goblin King… miss... Man... oh well. Probably stupid anyway, because goblins are as well. X X X Zeal loved flying. He was only just flying low, but it was still fun. Just Him and His Goat Operated Arial Transport, or G.O.A.T, for short. He was looking for work. Being a Traveling inventor, things like this just happen like clockwork. He noticed Dry Hook, a Spell-Born town full of mercenaries, thieves and people just looking for work. He parked his ride near a pond, and shut it down. He put a shield prototype around the Ship, so no one would steal it. He entered the town. After a long while of walking, he found the bar, the RoboTraveler. He entered, and sat down, ordering a shot of Ale. The Bartender was a robot, who gave himself 6 extra arms to help serve customers. Zeal looked around, making sure no one was going to stab him, and take his keys.