Theodore was getting a bit sore from all the horse riding. Sure, magical horses made out of a jumble of rocks didn't get tired or need feeding, but man, were they uncomfortable. Looking off in the distance, Theodore say a sight that almost made him jump off his rock horse and run the rest of the way there. On the horizon, he say a little town, with a sign near the entrance, a bit too far to see. Finally! As he got closer, the words on the sign were revealed to be the name off the town [i]Dry Hook, huh?[/i] Theodore thought, still bumping up and down on his stony steed, [i]From the stories I've heard, Dry Hook sucks, but hey, if I can get a drink there than it's okay with me.[/i] As he got into town, Theodore got off his horse, which then crumbled into dust, and headed into the nearest bar, called the RoboTraveler, and took the seat next to some ancient goat wearing pilot's goggles.