With a deep groan Percival opened his eyes and blearily tried to focus on something, anything. When he finally did he quickly shut his eyes again. That had to be the ugliest person he had ever seen. Small piggy eyes were set deep in a narrow piggy head. An ugly pink schnozz was stuck almost in his face and the breath that emitted from the mouth was enough to make any sane person retch. “Squeeeeee oink oink grunt” said the face and it took Percival a moment to realize it was a pig that was sharing his bed. The horror of that fact so overwhelmed what little focus he had that it took him nearly five more minutes to realize he wasn’t in HIS bed. Or any bed. He was passed out in a pile of hay in a pig sty. Groaning Percival shoved the pig out of the way. He was rewarded with some angry grunts but the pig wandered off and the small goblin stood up. That was some crappy ass beer, make him fall asleep with the pigs. Dumb ass things. He shook his head, trying to dislodge the hay that had been wedged in his long tapered ears. Grumbling and stomping around the pig pen he looked for his ale mug. He found it stuffed under the trough and grabbed it like it was a prized gem instead of a the battered tin mug it was. Still not sure what exactly was going on, why he was here, where here was, or anything else Percival secured his most valued possession back on his belt and headed out of the covered pig sty to a bright day which nearly knocked him on his ass. Too damn bright. He squinted his eyes and wished the sun would go away, it gave him a headache. Or the beer did. Man that was some crappy beer. He needed to find better quick. He needed it to clear his head if nothing else. He thought he saw a sign for a bar and shuffled forward, each step clearing his head of the alcohol induced fog. He walked in the front door and soon found himself flying back out it. Literally flying. Zooming along on a current of air. Damn spell born bouncer. Using air to fling him about as if he was a daisy. Why? Had he been here before? He didn’t remember it if he had. That of course was not an uncommon occurrence. He rarely remembered where he was, what he was doing, why he was there, or anything else he didn’t deem important. Still he needed beer and it was obvious the front door was not the way to do it. So around to the back, through an unguarded window was the next step. No one saw him despite the fact he got stuck halfway through the window, unable to reach the ground on either side. He had to wiggle like worm on a hook till he dropped to the inside floor with a thud. Not a good day. Must be the fault of that crappy beer he had had earlier. Slipping unnoticed into the main room he helped himself to a mug of beer he spied sitting somewhat unguarded at the bar. Dumping the contents into his own tin beer mug he took a grateful swig. Proper beer at last. With a deep sigh he plopped to the floor, somewhat out of the way, and proceeded to down the contents of his mug. He would need to steal another in short order but now that his head had cleared up somewhat he wanted to see where he was and who was here with him. More importantly who had something shiny he might find interesting to examine. He spotted the ancient goat with the pilots goggles right way. The goggles were shiny. And they probably meant the goat had other shiny things. He scrambled up on the bench shoving his way next to the ancient goat. “Hiya” said Percival in his most professional and polite manners addressing the creature. For a goblin that wasn’t saying much but it was a step up from the usual riffraff. “I’ve never seen eyes like yours. Where did you get em?”