[b]Status:[/b] 28/40 Player slots filled. OOC last updated: 4/12/2014 Remember, if you have any questions at any time, don’t be afraid to ask! I or a Co-GM will have them answered in twenty four hours or less! [center][b]Chapter 1:[/b] It begins, again...[/center] (([url=http://extrazoom.com/image-8759.html?s=huln50x50]World map here![/url])) [hider=Map Legend]Green Tiles - Plains, farmlands, etc. Single tree tiles - Small forests. Double tree tiles - Thick forests. Jungle Tiles - Jungles, Swamps, Marshlands, etc. Yellow Tiles - Desert or Coastline. Red Tiles with Black Lines - Blood Sea. Blue Tiles with Black Lines - Ocean/Sea. Blue Tiles [b]without[/b] black lines - Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, Oasis, etc. Orange Tiles - Dead lands, twisted, corrupt, almost alien. Yellow rocky tiles - Blighted lands, undead. White Tiles with checkered pattern - Magical barriers/ancient landmarks. White Tiles with straight line pattern - Ancient bridge built by the Imperium, separates the (now) Blood Sea from the Ocean.[/hider] Ah, so, we are here again... The world, once chained by tyrannical gods, whom killed and slaughtered any mortals who dared to resist their rule, their power... Are gone. Banished by the Queen of Renalta, Kouri, and those who stood with her against those who would stop mortal men from having true liberty and independence over their own lives. Now, this dream stands upon the precipice of destruction... For in removing the Heavens, and the Gods, there came a new threat. One that was once repressed significantly, now slowly awakening and spreading out its corrupting tendrils. The Nine Hells have begun to mobilize. Their agents--succubi, cultists, the insane and deranged--now aim to bring the world freed from tyranny into total anarchy and chaos. They aim to kill and destroy every single thing the mortal realm ever was, is, or ever will be. Yet, before the Queen could return to rebuild her kingdom, already, the world had begun to fall into war. The once proud and united religious nation of Rheinfeld is now split between three factions all vying for control. The Free Holds, once a superpower slave state, now wage war on two fronts against freedom fighters and empire makers. The rest are either too weak, or too isolationist to be able to fight alone or care. This, this has been the world for ten years... But something has changed. Now, the Queens of Renalta mobilize their forces, their military and their agents both diplomats and spies working around the clock to keep tabs on where corruption lies and how to resolve conflicts and create alliances to strengthen the mortal realm’s defences. There is one such group, however, that stands apart from the rest. One group that actually marshals out and gets the alliances signed, fights the battles, solves the mysteries, and roots out corruption wherever it may stand. The Queen’s Blades are that group. Men and women from all corners of the world, from all walks of life good or evil, united in one cause: To stop the Nine Hells from consuming the world, whatever the cost. This group was formed by Queen Kouri, and elite members of the King’s Rangers were sent out to recruit men and women, all those that had something special, or unique. Those whose potential was greater than that of the average person. Someone, such as... You. Will you join the Renaltan Royalty in their castle? Take upon yourself missions to heal a fractured world?... Or will you turn your back on this world, and leave it to its fate? ----- Welcome to the Legend of Renalta 2. This story uses a missions-based system to progress the story and advance your character. Between missions, you can spend time in the city of Renalta or its castle, and interact with any NPC’s you’ve met before. During missions you can explore the area and are free to use whatever means or goals or ideas you have in order to resolve the mission’s objectives. Your every action, however, impacts the status of the story. If your character dies, it’s noticed. If your character fails a mission, it’ll be noticed. Not every mission will be a total success, some are harder than others, and some even give you impossible choices that you must make. Relationships formed with NPC’s will mean something down the line, with honourable actions generally being returned in kind, and so forth. This is the closest thing to a living world I can create, and is a sequel to a four year long RP. Anyone is welcome to join, so long as they fit the advanced section’s qualifications. [b]Mission Board[/b] [hider=Mission Rules]3-5 Players per mission. Reinforcements can be sent if mission numbers drop below the maximum (5), and NPC's do not count as characters, so bringing along non-combat pets or otherwise should be harmless so long as it's requested beforehand.[/hider] [hider=Missions][b][center]Amazonia Imperiia[/center][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The Amazons were once, years ago, the first official “colonial” state of the Imperial Realm. Both the Amazons and Imperial forces have been struggling to fight off the Free Holds, which have been pushing further and further westward in an attempt to stave off a potential killing blow by the Goblin Holds and to crush both factions before they can put up any real fight. The Imperium has requested aid in merging the two nations. They have provided information that the Queen of the Amazons wishes to join with the Imperium for a stronger overall nation, mainly because of the promise that they would be allowed to continue to manager their own affairs and culture unimpeded by Imperial rule. The Princess of the Amazons, however, has claimed that the Queen is under daemonic influence, and any merger would cause systemic damage to both nations which would allow the Free Holds to win. She is leading a resistance force against the Queen and by extension the Imperium. Our diplomats have managed to get all three factions at one table within the Amazon jungle, in a tribal village called Do’ken, by the river of blood. Your mission will start there. Your job is to go in, talk to each side, figure out the best method of resolving the conflict, and then resolve it. While Kouri would prefer siding with the Imperium thanks to already friendly relations, if it turns out that the Queen is under demonic influence, it would be preferable to prevent further spread than honour alliances. As a show of good faith, Queen Alexandria will accompany the party on this mission. While her protection is desired, the mission should come first. [b]Type:[/b] Conquest, Nation Merger, Diplomacy. [b]Relations Improved:[/b] Amazons-Independent [i]or[/i] Imperials-Amazons Merger. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Discover if the Queen of the Amazons is under demon influence. --[b]Primary:[/b] Side with either the Princess or the Imperium. --[b]Primary:[/b] Resolve the conflict through diplomacy or violence. --[b]Secondary:[/b] Keep Queen Alexandria alive and well. She is there as a symbol of Renaltan power and camaraderie, her loss would inflict a great blow to the kingdom’s morale. [b]Number of Players:[/b] 3/5. [b][center]Sarah’s Request[/center][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Sarah Darkhammer, otherwise known as The Abomination’s Wife, one of the most fearsome assassins and oldest living entities... Has come out into the public eye for the first time in several generations... To issue a request to the recently instated Queen’s Blades. This woman’s motives are largely unknown, but having her favour would be a boon towards the survival of the world, and she is known for being a keeper of artifacts that even the Mage’s Guild would kill to have... Needless to say, Sarah Darkhammer has asked for the aid of Queen’s Blades members to infiltrate an abandoned temple in the Underdark. Apparently, there is an ancient artifact that the Drow desperately want there, which she wants to get [i]first[/i]. This artifact holds great religious importance to the Drow and would easily secure their aid if we gifted it to them, though, this might piss off Sarah Darkhammer... [b]Type:[/b] Treasure Hunt! [b]Relations Improved:[/b] Sarah Darkhammer [i]or[/i] The Drow. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Infiltrate an abandoned temple deep in the Underdark. Sarah Darkhammer will lead you there. --[b]Primary:[/b] Find the ancient artifact, likely located in the main chamber. Sarah Darkhammer may be able to help in this regard, though she’s known for being fickle. --[b]Primary:[/b] Acquire the ancient artifact and either give it to Sarah Darkhammer, or make your way back to a nearby Drow camp and gift it to them instead. --[b]Secondary:[/b] We are aware that a Dwarven excavation party was lost within the depths of the Temple two days ago. If you could find them as well, it may win over some Dwarven support, regardless of who we give the artifact to. [b]GM:[/b] Kadaeux. [b]Number of Players:[/b] 4/5. [b][center]First Blow[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] In a war, the best defence is often the greatest offence. At least, this is the policy of Liveria’s witch hunters, which have discovered a Lich tainted by corruption to the south of the Kingdom of Tuleria. One of the witch hunters has requested Renaltan aid after the loss of her squad attempting to take down the Lich. Your mission is simple. Enter the blighted lands, find a way into the twisted cathedral which the lich calls home, and destroy the lich. After this is done, recover the lich’s phylactery. We need to know how it is that even the undead could be corrupted, and that phylactery is likely the key. [b]Type:[/b] Search and Destroy, Boss Hunters, Research and Development. [b]Relations Improved:[/b] Kingdom of Liveria, Kingdom of Tuleria. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Join up with the witch hunter who requested aid. Her name is Wren Vesper. --[b]Primary:[/b] Infiltrate or storm the twisted cathedral. --[b]Primary:[/b] KILL THE LICH! --[b]Primary:[/b] Recover the lich’s phylactery. --[b]Secondary:[/b] Try to keep Wren Vesper alive. Having a positive voice in the Liverian military would only aid any potential diplomatic actions with them in the future... Witch hunters are also known for repaying debts in times of great need as well. [b]Number of Players:[/b] 5/5. [b][center]Royal Blood[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] With the death of Crown-Prince Xavier’s father and wife, the kingdom has gone into mourning, and the prince has been forced to call in outside aid after failing to resolve the murders himself. He has been known for having a stern no-tolerance policy towards outsiders, which makes this act an incredible desperate one. The Queen’s Blades have agreed to help find out who murdered the king and the prince’s wife, and why. While violence isn’t expected, due to the nature of the deaths, one should come armed and ready to fight. Leaders and Seducers will be key here, as will Mages and Sneaks. We’re here to resolve a murder investigation, not cause mass hysteria. With any luck, this will convince Liveria that Renalta is indeed their friend, and not their foe. Failure here may have significant repercussions... This being said, Spymaster Mikan will accompany you on this mission. She will likely be focused on keeping Xavier calm with her... Friendly... Energetic... Demeanour, but can easily be asked for aid in knicking information or simple advice on how to proceed. [b]Type:[/b] Murder Investigation, Mystery, Diplomacy. [b]Relations Improved:[/b] Kingdom of Liveria. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Find all potential suspects, witnesses, and key persons. --[b]Primary:[/b] Recover any and all information discovered by Xavier’s investigations. --[b]Primary:[/b] Find out who the most likely culprit is. --[b]Primary:[/b] Bring them to justice. --[b]Secondary:[/b] Keep Mikan out of harm’s way, though, often, it is known that a pair of legendary assassins watch out for her, so perhaps it would be best to keep an eye on your own backs instead... ----[b]Secondary:[/b] The Crown-Prince has a teenage daughter. Keep her out of harms way as well. If she perishes, it may very well lead to a termination of the investigation, and the blame may be placed on the investigators… [b]Number of Players:[/b] 4/5. [b][center]Carnival of Chaos[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] Reports have arisen of a strange man in purple robes claiming to be from the Carnival of Chaos, announcing grand plans involving the village. Normally such reports would be verified by King’s Ranger. We sent one. They went insane and have been screaming about crows eating out their eyes for fourteen straight hours. Hanus Wolfblood has decided to take on this problem himself, being a vampire he has an easier time against mind tricks. He has, however, decided to take a small detachment of the Queen’s Blades with him, in case assistance is needed. URGENT UPDATE: Strangely, as Hanus made the request for the Queen’s Blades aid, a letter came in delivered by a crow. Hanus has been invited to the Crystal Lake inn, for a “surprise only befitting of one so glorious as he.” Perhaps it is coincidence, perhaps it is not, either way... Caution is urged. It should also be noted that Arian village is where most of Queen Alexandria’s family lives. Any threat to the village is a threat to the royalty and must be eliminated. [b]Type:[/b] Terrorism, Demon Infiltration. [b]Relations Improved:[/b] People of Renalta, World View of Renaltan Security. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Find out what is going on in Arian Village. --[b]Primary:[/b] Keep Hanus Wolfblood alive. [b]GM:[/b] Kadaeux. [b]Number of Players:[/b] ?/5. (tbd) [b][center]Cease Fire[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] The Templar Order and Rheinfeld Republic have come to a stand still in their conflict over which movement has more legitimacy. Taigyn, unable to produce siege machines without the Republic’s forests, and the Republic, unable to make a move on the capital without the aid of trained battalions, have decided to attempt to forge an agreement that will satisfy both parties long enough to remove the Papacy. In this, they have requested neutral arbitrators. The Queen’s Blades, naturally, have been dispatched. Success here may mean a much quicker end to the civil war in Rheinfeld, which in turn would free up the armies of the Templar and Republic for the ends of the greater good of the world. It has been noted that elements within both the Order and Republic are against a cease fire, and the Papacy may also attempt to interfere. Keep your eyes open. Sisera, royal adviser and close friend of Queen Kouri, has been sent to aid in the negotiations. A potent smoke mage, he can hold his own, but is old and frail from intense angelic-based torture. His loss would be a blow to the royalty’s credibility. [b]Type:[/b] Peace Agreement: Nations, Alliance Building. [b]Relations Improved:[/b] The Templar Order (Rheinfeld), Rheinfeld Republic. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Secure a cease fire agreement between the Rheinfeld Republic and Templar Order. --[b]Primary:[/b] Attempt to discover any dissidents between the Templar Order or Rheinfeld Republic’s emissaries and guards. Prevent them from acting out any plans against Taigyn or Alida Spiegel. --[b]Primary:[/b] [i]Kill or knock out any Papacy agents that attempt to interfere[/i]. --[b]Secondary:[/b] Keep Sisera alive. This is especially pertinent during negotiations. If he dies before the negotiations end, chances are good that the cease fire will dissolve unless a player character can convince the two factions otherwise and take Sisera’s place. [b]GM:[/b] Tempest. [b]Number of Players:[/b] 3/5. [b][center]Here Cometh The Wolves[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] A string of brutal murders has gone on unabaited in the Kingdom of Tuleria. While it would normally be handled by local authorities, there are hints that the murders are the work of either lycanthropes or lizard men. Perhaps both. As well, the targets have always been close friends or advisers of Janelle and General Varro. If something isn’t done to curb this soon, the underlying, tense racism against the lizard men will erupt into violence and plunge this kingdom into an incredible violent xenocide. That being said, Janelle and General Varro have both put aside their infighting temporarily to request for international aid. The Queen’s Blades are, of course, happy to oblige in preventing xenocide. [b]Type:[/b] Murder Investigation, Political Intrigue, Alliance Building. [b]Relations Improved:[/b] Kingdom of Tuleria, Magi Tower, General Varro. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Discover who the murderer(er)s are by following any clues and leads found. --[b]Primary:[/b] Stop them by any means necessary! --[b]Secondary:[/b] General Varro has been known to be unstable. If possible, attempt to find out what could be causing the instability in your investigations. [b]GM:[/b] Tempest. [b]Number of Players:[/b] ?/5 (tbd) [b][center]The Hunt for Diana[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] Diana is one of the last three remaining pure bloods. Of the three remaining, she is perhaps the only one that could be loosely called sane. There have been reports of her resurfacing in the Free Holds in Southblood, where her isolationist ways have strangely ended and she has started a small congregation of her own kind, almost like a religious organization. Diana was once a guard in Renalta, over one thousand years ago. She protected Queen Kouri, but was eventually banished due to the potential threat she could have brought from the other two pure bloods by being present in the personal guard of the princess... Perhaps we can call upon old loyalties, and bring her back to protect the kingdom, and work with the Queen’s Blades. Queen Kouri has given a personal article that may aid in stirring old feelings. [b]Type:[/b] Legendary Character recruitment. [b]Relations Improved:[/b] Overall Queen’s Blades power, perception of the Queen’s Blades in the eyes of the world. [b]Objectives:[/b] --[b]Primary:[/b] Recruit Diana and her congregation into the Queen’s Blades. --[b]Primary:[/b] Try to discover why she has chosen to leave isolationism in the Free Holds, and not in a nation that would be safer for her kind. --[b]Secondary:[/b] Gift the locket unopened to Diana, as per Queen Kouri’s explicit instructions. This may aid in the recruitment process. --[b]Secondary:[/b] Prevent any of Liveria’s witch hunters or Rheinfeld’s crusaders from finding her. They are both factions dedicated to eradicating supernatural threats, like Diana, and while valuable allies, if it comes to blows, it may damage relations with these factions. [b]Number of Players:[/b] ??? (Mission may be scrapped!)[/hider] From here on out, the various chapters of information to aid you in your quest of joining this role play! Chapter 2 is where you will find your character sheet. Chapter 3 is where you will find rules and regulations, and any game terminology I feel needs explaining, like that corruption can effectively kill your character regardless of whether they are good or evil. Chapter 4 is in the next post and is all of the lore entries on characters, nations, cities, artifacts, guilds, and more that you’ve picked up on over time. These are usually added as you participate in missions. This is also the chapter for the character list and any other miscellaneous information. [center][b]Chapter 2:[/b] Application. (CS)[/center] This is your application sheet. It’s a little different from your regular character sheet in that it’s better constructed to address both the player’s needs and their character’s information. There is a lot of information to take in so don’t be afraid to take your time with your character sheet! [center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Your character’s name, real or not. (If name is false, send me a PM with the character’s real name.) [b]Age:[/b] Your character’s age. Note that it’s very likely your character was alive to see the revival of both The Imperium and Kingdom of Renalta as major factions, as well as the general destabilization of the world. [b]Race:[/b] Your character’s biological species, such as elf, orc, dwarf, human, etc. Try to keep it humanoid for the sake of simplicity. [b]Sex:[/b] Your character’s biological gender. [b]Appearance:[/b] Your character’s appearance. A text description or picture, or mix thereof, will do fine. [b]Homeland:[/b] Your character’s homeland. This sometimes affects how NPC’s interact with your character, and where appropriate, when in their homeland, your character may encounter NPC’s from their past, or know additional pertinent information about the local culture or geography. You may pick only one homeland, with each having relevant information given with the choice. [hider=Homelands][i]Kingdom of Renalta:[/i] The Kingdom of Renalta was restored by Queen Kouri ten years ago, prior to this, it was a series of villages and towns that mainly kept to themselves. This Kingdom is perhaps the most idyllic in belief and in practice, with the concerns of the people often directly addressed by the royalty themselves, a great deal of emphasis is placed upon keeping the commoner fed, clothed, and housed, with ample opportunities for work at every corner. Often times the royalty themselves can be seen, sometimes even without bodyguards, walking the streets like any regular commoner. This has earned them the reputation of being both trustworthy and zealously adored by the majority of the people. The culture of Renalta is openly tolerant, though there is still some underlying dislike of the now banished gods whom punitively destroyed the kingdom one thousand years ago. Their military is zealous and loyal, but untested in real warfare and relatively small in comparison to the other major world powers. Religiously, they tend to scatter across several religions. Racially, they tend to be the most diverse nation, though this sometimes causes friction between two immigrants whose homeland kingdoms are at war. In general, most of the land is farmland, rolling grassy hills, hamlets, and rivers, with foothills and mountains to the north, and forests to the west and south. East they have a direct border with Liveria, which has little in the way of trade due to the sometimes tense relations between the two kingdoms. Renalta is the only significantly populated city, but it is one of the most populated on the planet, easily spanning several kilometers in every direction and boasting large, open streets for trade with open, welcoming architecture. The recent population explosion from refugees is making even this city however a little crowded. [i]Kingdom of Liveria:[/i] Liveria is a single city-state with self-sustaining farmlands. They are isolationist in nature and their ruler, Crown-Prince Xavier, rejected the idea of folding into the greater Renaltan kingdom due to conflicting ideologies. Where Liveria wants to be left alone, Renalta wants to swing open its doors. This has led to some friction between the two kingdoms at points, with Liveria claiming total control over the only coastline Renalta could feasible use. Liveria is small but determined, and their people tend to be either commoners who work for the rich, or the rich who pay tariffs and taxes to the royalty, whom in turn use said taxes and tariffs to ensure their isolationism remains intact. Unlike Renalta’s open city architecture, Liveria as a city holds are more gothic architecture, with stone gargoyles and dark stone used in construction one could almost be forgiven for confusing the keep for a citadel of engineering genius. Almost. [i]Kingdom of Rheinfeld:[/i] A once united nation now fractured in civil war, Rheinfeld holds to a germanic culture and is highly religiously charged. To call Rheinfeld a religious state would be to do a disservice: Nay, it is not religious merely in government, it is religious in its language, religious in its stature, religious even in its wars and how it holds to simple social gatherings. Grand cathedrals of great beauty dot the landscape, in every town there is a church, in every family a crusader or a priest. The Papacy represented the four hundred year old government of the state, ever in contact with the Gods it lost its right to rule with the banishment of the Gods ten years ago. With the Templar Order and Rheinfeld Republic both nipping at its heels, the Papacy has surrounded itself with mercenaries and commoners still loyal to its cause. Pope Irvine the IV is rarely seen by his own people, though, which sometimes causes dissention among the ranks. The Templar Order is the religious military wing of the government that declared the Papacy’s right to rule defunct and void. They have by and far the best trained men for combat, and women for priesthood, though they lack the siege machines necessary to truly besiege the Papacy, and don’t have access to the lumber necessary to construct it thanks to the Republic. Currently they are led by Taigyn, a member of Kouri’s companions who banished the Gods ten years ago. Middle aged but still quite fierce in battle, this one eyed man is highly respected by most of his peers, save for his second in command, Davian, whom questions his every motive. The Rheinfeld Republic is by and far the most idealistic though weakest of the three splinter factions. Primarily made up of commoners and young ex-crusaders, they hope to form a government that represents the typically repressed commoners, inspired to take it a step further than what reports of the idyllic lives of commoners in Renalta presently have. Their leadership is chaotic, but most agree that Alida Spiegal, the child of two immigrants from distant lands and herself an ex-templar, inspires the most faith and wields the most leadership out of all those who attempt to lead the Rheinfeld Republic. [i]Kingdom of Tuleria:[/i] The Kingdom of Tuleria is ruled by a triad council, and holds a merchant’s culture above most other concepts. They are the masters of trade now that the Free Holds is under attack from multiple angles and tend to stay out of the world’s affairs, save where their own survival is involved. Presently, one of the three leaders of the triad council has gone insane with power, and is attempting to overthrow the other two at Barracks Varro. The landscape can be summarized as swamps and desert. While they are a trader’s nation, this was at first by necessity: They had no farmlands to speak of, and thus had to import food. They began to export speciality goods, and soon enough the “little sister friendly not-slaver culture” to the Free Holds was born. Notable, lizardmen rank as one of the highest demographics population-wise. This nation also holds a proud naval tradition, and claims the most powerful fleet in the world. They also tend to be one of the only nations that trades with distant lands, thanks to their natural presence on the ocean, though contact with such peoples is extremely limited. [i]The Free Holds:[/i] The Free Holds is arguable the oldest nation still around, and is arguable hardly a nation at all. They are a series of city-states that hold to two creeds: That they shall only fight others when their own overall independence is threatened, and to keep trade as open as is possible. Infamously, they even deal in the slave trade, and monopolize the market at every opportunity. They have the most ingenius military save perhaps for the Goblin Holds, and boast the widest range of the finest assassins, mercenaries, and... “Physical Entertainers”... The entirety of their territory is desert, save for the northern front, which is a frozen wasteland cut off by a magical barrier that has not been penetrated in thousands of years. Not that they much care, for profit is the single reason this nation is united and exists for. Leadership is left to each hold’s currently reigning warlord to decide. Again, infamous, the laws of one hold can change overnight with the warlord’s sudden and unsurprising death. Followed up with the next one... And the next one... Some holds even place bets about how long the currently reigning warlord will live. After all, anything in the name of profit. The city architecture and overall culture is a mix-mash, with a dominant Arabic culture present, though hints of Latin can be seen in some of the oldest holds. [i]The Goblin Holds:[/i] These are the Free Holds liberated over the last ten years by the Goblin Revolt led by Emperor Xixis Madheart, a shaman with a terrible powerful spell tome capable of rendering entire garrisons obsolete. The goblins have outlawed slavery, and work with other typically slave-races of the Free Holds, such as other humans and orcs. The goblin hold is known for some of the most ingenius and unorthodox strategies ever created, partially thanks to Xixis, and partially thanks to his main military adviser, an orc named Nash Skullbringer. They even managed to tame massive sand worms known as ‘Asimov Worms’, and goblins ride them underneath the ground only to burst above ground and swallow several mercenaries whole before diving back into the sand. Overall, they’ve finally gotten the attention of the entirety of the Free Holds, whom have made it their civic mandate to retake their holds, though neither side is making any significant steps forward after the recent taking and subsequent sacking of a now unnamed hold. [i]The Imperium:[/i] Ten thousand years ago, there was an Imperium that reigned over what is now the Amazons, Free Holds, Goblin Holds, and Tuleria. This Imperium was destroyed, and for ten thousand years a sliver of it remained hidden in a cavern system and maintained by a lich known as Maurie Merryweather. Kouri and her allies discovered them and aided in helping the lich bring back one hundred thousand souls to life by banishing the gods to ensure that they would not be immediately slain for the act of bringing so many back to life. The Imperium now is a revived incarnation of its ten thousand year old ancestor. They fled the Free Holds and arrived in a heavily forested area, long ago abandoned thanks to whispers of evil from Rheinfeld priests. Undaunted, they set about clearing the forests and building their towns and cities, with Animus becoming the capital, and finding no evil creatures. Their attempts at retaking their old homeland from the Free Holds were only initially successful. Surprising the Free Holds with their impressive one on one combat skills and formation-based tactics, they took one of the holds and renamed it to the West Hold Colonia--their foothold into their own homelands. They lost said Colonia shortly after as mercenaries and others used magic-based tactics, something the Imperium is not familiar with in the slightest, to decimate their legions and force a retreat. The government of the Imperium can be summarized as a republican democracy with now Empress Maurie directing the military forces. Their nation, whilst struggling to remain populated, does inspire some fervour for their lucid dream of reuniting the world under civilization, order, and equality. Their architecture is grand and majestic, though not always tactically sound it does inspire their people. [i]The Underdark:[/i] A realm hidden underneath the world known as the Underdark, it is accessible through mostly mountainous areas. It leads miles into the ground, leading to the Drow, the Dwarves, and even Mindflayers. This land is entirely unmapped due to its chaotic and ever-changing nature; a tunnel that was there a week ago may no longer exist now. Most supernatural creatures hide within its depths as well, safe from the overworld thanks to the Drow’s inability to care that they exist, and the Dwarves mostly congregating near the surface. The Drow live in a couple of large cities, where they sell indentured slaves, and have a primarily matriarchal government though men are not entirely excluded from power. Their architecture and general appearance often glorifies spiders and other arachnids, and they are infamous schemers and backstabbers, though few know the underground passages quite like they do, for even with its chaotic nature they know how to navigate it. The Dwarves, on the other hand, live in great cities of iron and timber, and focus on living within mountains as natural fortresses. They are known as an eccentric people who have a love of all things rare and antique, and are often compared to the world’s greatest collective of librarians and collectors. They are also one of the only races whom speak and sometimes trade with the ever enigmatic Mechanists. As for the Mechanists? They are a highly reclusive race of technological masterminds, responsible for introducing the world to black powder and firearms and are the sole producer of such technological marvels, for attempts to replicate them otherwise are mysteriously ineffective. Mechanist towns or cities are unknown, as nobody has ever seen them save the Mechanists, whom only rarely leave such places.[/hider] [b]History:[/b] Your character’s past. You may want to delay doing this part until you get through stats and traits. [b]Motivation:[/b] Your character’s motivation for wishing to see the plot be resolved. This is mainly to ensure that both you and I know what your character’s reasoning for joining the Queen’s Blades and fighting against the Nine Hells is, be that personal glory or righteousness is really up to you. I just want to know the reason. [center][b]Stats & Traits[/b][/center] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FsBL_IpQkVj2VZfYQqAPdB6-2tCK2kS_ztik82XFfhM/edit]Here is where all the stats and traits are located[/url]. It’s kept on Google Docs because of the sheer number of stats and traits, which would come out as a nightmarish, incoherent mess with the forum’s current BBC standards. If you cannot view the document, let me know, and I’ll try to find a way to fix it for you. [b]Strength:[/b] ?/10 [b]Agility:[/b] ?/10 [b]Charisma:[/b] ?/10 [b]Magical Endurance:[/b] ?/10 [b]Fighter:[/b] ?/10 --Skill Set 1 (Unlocked at: 1 point.) --Skill Set 2 (Unlocked at: 4 points.) --Skill Set 3 (Unlocked at: 7 points.) --Skill Set 4 (Unlocked at: 10 points.) [b]Sniper:[/b] ?/10 --Skill Set 1 (Unlocked at: 1 point.) --Skill Set 2 (Unlocked at: 4 points.) --Skill Set 3 (Unlocked at: 7 points.) --Skill Set 4 (Unlocked at: 10 points.) [b]Leader:[/b] ?/10 [b]Seducer:[/b] ?/10 [b]Sneak:[/b] ?/10 [b]Mage:[/b] ?/10 --Magic School 1 (Unlocked at: 1 Point.) --Magic School 2 (Unlocked at: 5 Points.) [b]Experience Traits[/b] --Trait 1. --Trait 2. [b]Conditions[/b] --Trait 1. --Trait 2. --Trait 3. [b]Unique[/b] --Trait 1. (Note: This is your unique character ability. You get to design one ability that makes them... Unique! Gives them that edge against what would otherwise be an impossible fight. This can be anything your imagination can come up with, but will need to be approved by me, and the rule of reasonable applies. Being invincible to death is obviously not acceptable, for example. Note that you may also earn additional unique traits as time goes on.) [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] How do you personally feel about your character entering into romantic relationships with other players or non-player characters? Do you wish to allow the potential relationship to occur or deny any possibility? This is a personal comfort option: An opt-in or opt-out for romance. [b]Play style:[/b] Exactly as it says. Do you prefer action-oriented missions, or more dialogue heavy ones? Do you prefer a more linear progression or having choices? Complex missions, or straightforward ones? [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] ... [b]Signature:[/b] Type your username here to agree to the rules and regulations, and to agree that the GM may kill off your characters without your consent. [center][b]Chapter 3:[/b] Rules & Regulations, Corruption, other game concepts.[/center] [hider=Rules][b]Be cool like Fonz![/b] No adult-level content explicitly stated--this is a role play, not a sex shop. That being said, you can still hint at your characters being adults, having romantic or sexual inclinations, or otherwise. Simply black screen any scenes that contain obvious sequences of sexual contact and things should be just fine. Simple rule of thumb: If it can appear in a PG-13 film, it can work here. If it can’t, you may be stepping over the line. I have no rules about blood and gore. Go insane on the grim details. No auto-hitting, godmoding, or metagaming. To start with, we’ll have one character per player allowed. More will be allowed later as the RP goes on and players with high leadership/seduction scores start recruiting followers and earning favours. Have fun![/hider] [hider=Game Concepts]Corruption as used in this role play means more than just political or personal corruption. Demonic corruption is a literal poisoning of a character’s heart, mind, and soul, slowly draining them of their willpower and individualism until they become empty, obedient shells of their former selves. This kind of corruption can vary in several forms, ranging from magic, to succubi, to poison, and more. A character who becomes fully corrupt is treated as having been killed in action, regardless of whether they are good or evil--avoid being inflicted with corruption where possible! Note, that NPC’s over time can also be afflicted with corruption and eventually lost to it. This does use a dice system with all the stats and traits. Don’t worry about keeping track of the numbers, the GM’s will do that.[/hider]