Drax walked briskly through the streets of Dry Hook. He was heading towards his favorite bar, the RoboTraveller, and wanted nothing more than to relax for a while and enjoy a beer. As he entered he saw a goblin talking to a goat. Drax grunted as pushed past the pair. Plopping down on a stool next to at the bar he ordered his usual drink. "A mug of your stongest ale." Drax said as more of a statement than a request. However he had been to this bar many times so it was routine. Nodding his thanks for the drink, Drax slammed back the entire thing, and asked for another. With a few mugs of liquid courage in him Drax was feeling adventurous. He couldn't help but notice the Spellborn next to him. "Haven't seen you around here before. What brings you to Dry Hook?" Drax wasn't sure if it was the ale talking, but he needed some adventure and this stranger could be his ticket. Before he could say more he noticed Furor talking to the goat. [i]This could be interesting,[/i] Drax thought to himself. He layed down some money to pay for his drinks, and walked over. As soon as he did, the goat kicked the robot directly into Drax knocking him on his back. Chaos ensued in the bar, and Drax stood up ready to fight.