Everything went... dark. That was the last thing she remembered. Darkness. But now... She opened her eyes and found herself sitting in a neatly organized desk, in a room she was vaguely familiar with. [b]"What?"[/b] She said, looking around the room, her eyes darting around quickly. This didn't look like [i]anything[/i] she'd ever been before so... Why did it look so familiar? She got up and explored the room a bit, starting to get a bit scared. But... at the same time she was rather intrigued. Where was she? As she was looking around the room, she noticed a small painting hanging on the north wall. she walked over to it and... something called her to take it down. She took the painting from the wall, and there sat a safe. [i]Wait... That... How did I know that was there?[/i] She blinked, hardly able to believe it. And then, deciding to at least try, she moved the dial. She moved it with expert ease she didn't know she had. The small metal door sung open slowly, revealing a small wooden box. She blinked again. L-Lily? She pulled out the box quickly, setting it down on the table in the center of the living area. She opened it slowly. Inside was a single metal ring, as well as a few dollar bills. She picked up the ring and inspected it. Sure enough, 'L & X' was written on the inside. Lily and Xanthus? Her eyes grew large and she dashed towards where she knew the bathroom would be. No, she still looked like herself... She looked down at the ring in her hand. [i]What's going on? I wasn't... drugged was I? If not, this is a weird ass dream...[/i] She took another look at herself in the mirror. Her brown hair was tied up haphazardly in a ponytail, her brown eyes staring back at her, filled with bewilderment. She was still wearing her baggy sweater, skirt and black leggings, shoes also missing. It's like, she was just... abducted just as she was sitting there on her computer. [b]"No! I had a Math assignment due tomorrow!"[/b] She cried out, rubbing the bridge of her nose. [b]"It has to be a dream."[/b] She mumbled. Just as she did, she heard her door open. [i]Shit... Who is it? It's not like anyone would come into Lily's room anyway.[/i] She tip-toed around the corner, looking towards the door. Standing just in the doorway, was Matt. She blinked, starring at him. [i]It'd be bad if he saw me, right?[/i] She looked around the room slowly. It wasn't like there was anywhere else she could go to escape. Maybe.. he would leave soon? [b]"Lily? Where are you? Come on! It can't be that hard. Just, give it a chance. You'll get used to it!"[/b] She heard him say. She could tell he was still standing in the entryway. [i]Give what a chance?[/i] Last she remembered, Matt was in the nurse's office. He could be talking about something to do with Lily's condition but... She sighed, it was best she didn't think about it. She waited for awhile until she heard the door finally click close. Now, if this were a dream... how could she get out of it? Hurt herself? She looked around the room again, feeling uneasy. But... what if it actually hurt? She cringed at the thought. Her pain threshold wasn't very high... Even most of her tabletop characters had toughness below 6. She wasn't even agile like her characters to make up for it. She walked around the room, trying to figure it all out. It didn't feel like a dream. Usually, in her dreams she could tell it felt like a dream but she felt like she was watching a movie rather than living it. This felt too real, much too real. She sighed, figuring she'd have to find someway to get out here and she might as well explore the school and see what she can figure out. But first... she needed shoes. She searched around Lily's room for a bit before finding an old pair of tennis shoes. They weren't exactly her size, but they would do. She exited the room, and began to explore the area, walking down the steps, into the lawn area. From there, she saw several things in the distance. There was a blackened sky off in one direction. She ran over best she could and looked down from the academy, it was floating fortress after all. What she saw kind of amazed her. She knew she was in the world of Kalmaysia, but why was there such a sectioned off area down there. She saw the normal, nice world of Kalmayisa Human World down below her but all around it, different worlds sat. To the north, was a blacken, dead area. A-Apocalypse? What was going on?!