Jeffrey walked into the town of Dry Hook, his belt heavy from all of the plants he had gathered along the way. He wasn't sure how useful some would be but most of them were drawn on his scroll so they must have some use. He had been chased out of the last town he visited by a bunch of people with fiery sticks and pointy things, He couldn't remember the name of that town but it didn't matter, he was in Dry Hook now. As he walked through town, his tail lightly slapping the dirt road with each step as he wandered. He saw a tavern there and realized for the first time how hungry he felt. "Time to eat, I think." Jeffrey said to the empty air and made his way into the tavern, not seeming to notice the brawl going on around him. In reality he did notice the brawl, it just reminded him so much of a Kobold tribes' normal behavior that he was able to navigate through it and find a seat at the bar. "Do you have food?' He said to the robot behind the bar and put a fistful of coins, lint and a mouse skeleton on the bar. "I have this much, what can that get me?" It didn't seem like the robot would respond since it was pretty distracted by the brawl so he stuffed his money back into a pouch on his belt and started petting the dead mouse. It was almost like he didn't realize it was dead. After a short moment there were gunshots and magic and he got more interested so he picked up his mouse and wandered over to a goat firing a pistol and talking to some Spell-Borns. Jeffrey smiled an odd toothy Kobold smile at him. "Hello, I'm Jeffrey and this is Bill," He said, thrusting his hand with the dead mouse toward the Ancient Goat, "Nice to meet you, that's a neat gun." ((Just so you know, Bill isn't permanent, Jeffrey will either lose or eat Bill by the end of the first day.))