Malfeas stood on the highest branch of a large tree, seeming to defy gravity for his stature and the smallness of the branch. But it was no work of telekinesis which brought him up here. No, it was merely a goat's natural agility and graceful sense of physical balance. And here he stood in meditation, as he had for the last two hours, mind clear and awaiting passer by to pounce upon, horns first. When a G.O.A.T. went flying overhead instead, he decided it might be a good idea to follow it's course. So he set off in it's general direction and followed the road to find it parked. Pressing on further, he entered the town of Dry Hook, and seeing that posters were being put up, he decided to investigate. Apparently the Goblin King was missing. "Hmph. I wonder if he simply forgot he was King..." Malfeas said aloud to no one in particular. Foolish folk, the goblins. And it was often difficult to have any sympathy for fools.