[center]Nakamura smiled brightly. [b]"We're here!"[/b] She announced, opening her arms widely. [b]"Mihami Middle school, here I come!"[/b] She shouted, proudly shoving her fist in the air. She finally knew that this was her moment to shine. To make more friends and appreciate them. She giggled, [b]"Edel, we're going to school, dummy!"[/b] She said jokingly, punching Edel's back softly. [b]"Ah yuh, I'm Nakamura! Nakamura Kiyo, but you can just call me Ko."[/b] She nodded proudly. Nakamura stared straight at Miahami Middle school surprised to see that many people. [b]"Are they here to welcome us? Come on let's say thank you!"[/b] She suggested dashing ahead of them. [b]"Weeee."[/b] Almost tripping, Nakamura stopped to notice something. They weren't being nice. They held up signs telling them rude things. Nakamura's eyes widen at this sight but continued to smile. She pointed at them, [b]"ruderuderuderude!"[/b] She yelled, as they stared at her. In disgust. Her face flushed with red. She stepped back and bowed. [b]"Sorry!"[/b] After apologizing she dashed inside the school, panting nonstop.[/center]