"Your lady...?" Carmen took clear note of their rather admirable loyalty, their justifications all addressed under the presumed single entity they served. It came to some surprise that they intended to take her straight to their leader - granting her the convenience of not having to negotiate her way up the ladder, nor explain her business to anyone besides those who mattered. Although she had yet to learn the sort of operation being carried here, she could safely say it was being run right. "...Well, do as you must," she submitted, briefly rolling her eyes at the notion. "I don't hope to trouble your schedule any more than my presence here." She was still no more impressed by the hostility she was met with, but if a mere point-blank firearm was enough to bring them at ease, her discomfort could go unmentioned for now. Her words were punctuated with a final, inaudible syllable, serving to command her minions in several pitches above human frequency. Simple telepathy would usually suffice, but her abilities of using such had proved unreliable in her time on this planet. Nonetheless, the scout and the coat-rack ceased their hostility in a beat - no longer appearing to even acknowledge the troops surrounding them. Contently following their cues, she allowed herself to be guided towards the fort's entrance, the two constructs following just as calmly.