[hider=Father Oak]Name/Aliases: His actual name is unpronounceable but the elves call him Algenor and he is known in the human tongue as Father Oak. Sex: Technically gender-less but identifies as male Age: 750 years Appearance: [img=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120916125006/mitologa/es/images/4/4c/DS_Monsters_Treant_by_willowWISP.jpg] Personality: Algenor is ancient and with age he has developed patience and become a good listener. Algenor is kind and caring with a soft spot for children of any race (his habit of letting the children play in his branches is how he earned the name Father Oak). He takes great pains to be careful around those he is near as he is acutely aware of how "soft" the other races can be. Unlike most of his kind he is at home with other non Treants and enjoys talking with "the small folk". Despite this Algenor is still very dangerous when provoked as like most treants he is exceptionally strong and durable capable of dealing vicious if inexact blows. History: The Treants of Foraiysh Woods are an ancient race born from the very vegetation when life was created and have seen the world shaped around them. They saw the creation of so much wonderful beauty and life, and when Duv razed Enduwin it was to Yggdrasil the first Treant the other races fled she and her children sheltered the other races under their branches and bore the brunt of the gods wrath saving countless lives at the cost of their own. There had been a time when the treants had walked the lands as common as the other races but after that day they became rare. With the death of Yggdrasil the first Treant they despaired and became bitter retreating deep into the Forayish woods spurning the other races they saw as the reason for their Mothers death. Over time Treants became legends and myth but in reality they live to this day somewhere deep in the woods and few in number, but they still linger. It is because of this that Algenor is such an oddity, one day he shambled out of the woods and into a nearby settlement a small farming town. the villagers were terrified of him but soon got used to the Treant living on the edge of town and after several years they came to depend on him. He scared off wolves and other predators, bandits did not dare come near the town and he could carry large things for the people never asking anything in return except for some time to chat. old men smoked under him and children played in his branches, women hung their washing from him. This was his life for years then one day one farmers gate was opened and seveal sheep had wandered into the woods. Algenor naturally went to retrieve them and when he returned the town was in ruins. A gang of bandits had let the sheep out to lead him away and while he was gone they had sacked the village and killed several of the townspeople. Those that were left were forced to leave and head elsewhere. Algenor has since taken to wandering the edge of the forest roads a hopeless and despondent vagrant, a symbol of misfortune and fear. Optional Information Equipment: none Faction (If any): none Marital Status: none Magic (Mundane or Arcane): no Skills: Algenor is naturally attuned to nature and so can instinctively identify plants and animals as well as the fact that he is capable of limited communication with them. Outside of that he is a dangerous if unskilled combatant and very protective of anyone whom he befriends.[/hider]