Plastic Man didn't need much time after wrapping around Shrapnel to realize what a God awful idea it was. Sure it worked with Doomsday, but Doomsday wasn't a guy who made wrapping around feel like getting stabbed by billions of different razor blades. Still he was able to hinder Shrapnel long enough to let the others wail on him like a giant metal punching bag. It was fun though to watch Bast step up, being natural in getting people to listen to her and help lead the beatings. Sure Patriot was clearly not happy about it, but Plastic Man still had to take credit that she was making a believer out of him. As Shrapnel was getting slowed down Plastic Man saw an idea formed to get rid of the Gillette shaver with legs. Pulling off of Shrapnel in a long body form that slithered down the street quickly. Plastic Man got up to a fire hydrent and formed a wrench with one of his arms to open the top of it. Plastic Man wasn't particularly thirsty at the moment, but you wouldn't be able to tell as he wrapped his lips around the water spewing opening. His body downed the water furiously flowing into him. Causing his body to begin with swell up like a human hued balloon. Though as he grew all the razor sharp points on Shrapnel came back to haunt him. As his swelling body started to leak from all the tiny holes his body got. Quickly Plastic Man stretched his hands out to hold over his body to stop the leaking. As his body continued to grow he finally reached such massive sizes he was taller on his sides then the others standing upright. Rolling into position looking like a giant jiggly ball with a head sticking out. "Take a bath!" He called out through water stuffed cheeks awkwardly, "!" With his massive hands he pressed down on himself. Unloading a giant high speed torrent of water at Shrapnel. It knocked him over with all the force. He struggled to get back upright but couldn't as Plastic Man's water flow didn't stop or slow down for a bit. All the while though Plastic Man only had one thought, did he just swear?! HAS HE EVER SWORN BEFORE?! Wow that was so cool!