Girder broke out of the nanite sphere prison crafted by Cyber Knight and went back on the offensive knocking Ditto2 into a wall. Frostburn saw a shot and took it freezing the enemy from the ground up immediately throwing the monstrous man into a panic as the dew from the ice would surely make his body rust. The young hero knew he had to pour it on. While Fate was having problems defending against the rogue known as Double Down, Hellfire, Ditto1 and 3, and Orbit seemed bound and determined to take him down. Orbit's eyes flared up with brilliant light, as she signaled her orbs back onto her belt. She started to hover again, and the air distorted around her fists and feet. "Hey, Poker Face!" a wily smirk showed her teeth, making her look animalistic, "Come get some!" She darted off the ground and aimed her fist at Double Down's face. That was where she started, anyway, but mere seconds before her fist made contact, she twisted her body, bringing her knee up into a brutal chin strike. Usually, Orbit's hits carried all the force of an average featherweight athlete. But when she combined a hit and added her telekinetic power behind the blow, she could punch with the force of someone five times her size. With her also diverting her power to fly, it lessened the pure power of her punch. "Got a few cards up your sleeve, eh? SO DO I!" Double Down screamed after taking a strong knee to the face as a couple dozen fleshy cards with razor sharp edges flew from his body and began whirling around all of his enemies including the multiple man, the boy with the dark flames, and the one called Fate. Orbit dropped back to the ground, immediately pulling up a protective telekinetic bubble around herself, and moving backward while trying to locate Hellfire and Fate. That's when Computron made himself known. While the robotic girl was still pulling all of her nanites back into her humanoid form after trying to detain Girder, Computron took control of them with a wave of his holographic hand and molded her intro the giant energy conductor imprisoning the lightning like Flash. [like the thing holding the Black Flash here...] [img=] "I don't know who you second rate heroes think you are, but with the power this device is harnessing I'll control all of the technology around the world. The added nanites and tech from your android friend just sped up the process...!" Computron boasted, dissipating his 3D holographic body and becoming nothing more than a floating head once more. [img=] Girder seemed to be contained with Frostburn's ice imprisonment, however Double Down was still holding the high card with most of the remaining heroes on the defensive inside the abandoned car part manufacturing factory that Computron was using to build his device. "I want you to destroy the conductor with me inside!" Flash screamed but was unsure if he was being heard with all of the lightning cracking off around him in the prison crafted by Computron. "WHAT?!? Flash how can we do that to you, why?!?" screamed Ditto3 once a wall was destroyed revealing the Flash's whereabouts. "If Computron takes control of all of the tech in the United States alone he'll have access to nukes, the Hall of Justice in Metropolis has Thanagarian military defense systems and tech integrated in with the best stuff Batman''s got. Computron CAN'T have that much in his hands, it's like a video game to him. He doesn't care who lives or dies so long as that head of his survives and he's entertained..." the Flash pleads back as Double Down continued his grotesque assault on the heroes. ~KL~ / Dizzy