Miz saw the incident from afar. It seemed that a young man bumped into a girl and almost knocked her over and then yelled at her...He wondered if it was simply because she was a sea dweller..."Hmm...why all the rivalry?" he thought to himself. His face must have showed it too because an older man, a teacher from the looks of it who was standing close to him said "It'll take some getting used to." The girl was beautiful. That is what made it so hard to understand...why would someone be so mean to someone just because they came from the ocean. If it was a land dweller and he had bumped into her he would be apologizing right and left and probably fumbling his words because of confrontation with such a pretty girl...yet one thing made her unattractive. He thought about going over and talking to the girl but before he could get the chance she was being drug away by another girl...hmm...maybe things will get better after people get settled in.