"Well ... today, Ms. Ushio drank some insects! You should of seen her face!" Yuki said excitedly Flint rolled his eyes at Yuki's response. She was definitely known for her pranks... "Why do you still keep practicing your shooting? It is already really good you know? Although, probably not as good as mine." Yuki asked. "I don't want to get rusty. We haven't had a job in awhile so I haven't been able to use my rifle..." Flint adjusted the strap on his case a little. "And I can always be better with practice..." Flint muttered "I want to be able to fire the rifle without having to zero it for range, that I can tell just by the distance how far I need to elevate the shot. Im still not too great with that yet.... anyway you better not throw that or else you will have to go pick it up..." Flint said softly, it probably wouldn't matter but Flint wouldn't be the one who would go back for it. Flint just wanted to get back into the city as soon as [possible and get this over with.