Connor shifted in his seat, noticing the cops. "Damn, I'm gonna have to change my plates" He sighed, resigned to that fact. He began driving faster, and it would be clear that this wasn't his first time trying to shake a tail, or shake the cops. He wove in and out of traffic, skillfully avoiding other cars and humans, making quite, fast and often tight turns. He took the gun from her, rolling down the window, as he made a quick, spinning turn that sent them driving towards the cop cars, and the car falling them. He fired at the one tailing them, before making a turn, and driving fast down an empty street, turning again, he headed out of the city. He drove for a time, going way over the speed limit, down a straight road, before turning onto what seemed like a farm. Trees grew on the outskirts of the fines bounders, shielding from view the middle of the farms field. Essentially a training ground to hunting. Corn grew on the far boundary of the farm, and this was where he pulled in, following a little path through the corn, hiding the car from view. He climbed out the car, looking about wildly, gun n one hand, stake in the other. "Can you see anyone? Were we still followed?" He asked