Iris had been sidetracked by her thoughts and had completely forgotten about Joshua's simulation. Hurrying over there, she spotted him and Mako getting ready to start it up. "Miss Mori!" she said walking over and giving a bow. Mako had returned the gesture and clutched her clipboard tightly. "Hello Iris. I showed Emmet to his Jaeger, i'm sure he is really excited to have the one you chose for him." she said with a smile. "Thats great. Well, you can take a break now, i'll take over from here if thats okay with you." Iris said. "That is acceptable." she said, turning. "I'll leave it to you then." As she started to leave, Iris remembered. "Oh, Mako, i'm planning a little get together with all the Rangers tonight, did you and Marshall want to join us?" Mako gave her a questioning look. She knew Iris had something more fun planned, and she was unsure if getting involved would be the best move. She hesitated, thinking it over. "Oh, and did i mention, Joshua here is paying for everyone." she added, pointing to Josh over her shoulder with her thumb. That seemed to be the little push her mentor needed. "In that case, yes. I'd love to come. I'll tell Raleigh." With a smile she left and Iris turned to Joshua. " ready to get started?"