With a nod, Iris went to the control panel and looked around. "Where the hell is tendo Choi?" she called. "Right here, calm down." he said casually walking in. "Okay, lets get this done. Start it up." After a few minutes of waiting until the engineers got Josh situated in the pod, she slowly saw them come out one by one, and the doors closed behind them. "Kaiju Simulation Fight Sequence 1 of 5, up and ready to go." Choi said once they stepped away a bit. "Initiate." she said stepping up to the mic to talk to Josh. "Hey Josh, if you can hear me. We just started it up. In about 45 seconds, 5 Kaiju, all category two, will simulate one by one. Each will be timed by five minutes. You have five minutes to either kill the Kaiju or keep it from damaging the city. If you choose not to kill it and simply prevent damage, that one will be scored on how much damage was caused to the city. To pass, you must either kill four out of the five, or protect the city successfully three times. Easy as pie. I'll leave you to it, and if i see any mistakes, i'll let you know. Make sure you familiarize yourself with all your wepons in there, they're all labeled." She crossed her arms and watched the screen that showed her exactly what Josh was seeing. This was pretty exciting, watching a candidate go through simulation was an amazing oppourtunity. It fascinated her how one could go in knowing little to nothing about fighting in a Jaeger, but when you came out of that pod, suddenly you feel like you do, and you can do anything. She smiled as she remembered her first sim test. It had gone horrible, but the second time around she kicked Kaiju ass like never before. Her foot tapped te ground as she started to see the faint blue glow of the approaching beast. (Okay, there you go Garrison. Have fun writing your battle! I look forward to reading it soon!)