Thanks, Dance! Madelief is a very fun character to read, I love eccentric characters. I look forward to setting into how everybody gets along as the game progresses. I also think that that's a pretty accurate joining order, I always imagined Lucian would have been one of the last ones contacted when Wolfgang and Arturo were starting to really branch out and find the creme of the crop for pilots. It wouldn't have been very hard to track Lucian down in those years after his Algerian expedition, since it's not every day you have a home grown pilot and military veteran. Also, I think you have a pretty good perception of my character, Dance, and as you said it's each character's perception, which will always be coloured somewhat, for lack of a better term. :D And now we've all gotten around of posting done, and am am very glad to be a part of this. Everyone's fantastic at writing unique and compelling characters, it's very much like a novel for me which is great! Thanks again for squeezing me in here, Danko. I haven't been this enthusiastic about a game in a while. New projects tend to have that effect. I also know what you mean about having ideas gathering dust in your head, I have 2 other RP ideas I've been loosely working on for the past several months that I'm not sure if I'll ever make or not. I do like the idea of there being past members we can bring up from time to time, people who fell in the line of duty or were caught. I can imagine that would have been one of the strongest arguments for the Wolves to break up in the first place. After all, hard to be an effective group of pirates with just 5 planes.