[i]*Click*[/i] Darkness. Ebil Bunny opened his eyes and looked around. Then his mouth dropped. "What on earth?!" he shouted, jumping to his feet, eyes wide, then he sat back down. He wasn't used to stuff like this happening. He lead a boring life in a tiny cabin in the woods with his unnaturally large family. [i]I know I can't be dreaming, because I know when I'm doing so.[/i] he thought. He stood back up, shaking a little from the shock, then looked around a bit more. He had no clue where he was, but it was a lot better than what was right next to him. Within ten feet away was a mass of pure blackness. He walked slowly away from it, facing it to make sure it didn't do anything that one would think a big mass of pure blackness would do. Then he tripped over something. "Hey, watch it!" said a strange voice angrily. When Ebil looked to see who it was, he pinched himself, hoping it was actually just a dream. Standing before him was an orange unicorn with a picture of a hammer on it's side. "You're... You're... [i]YOU'RE A PONY!?!?[/i]" exclaimed the boy. "Yes, what of it? And what are [i]you[/i]?" it replied tartly, but Ebil Bunny ignored it. He was too busy hyperventilating.