Name: Emilia “Emma” Charleston Field Name: Phoenix (Maybe.) Age: 20 Position: Undercover/Stealth Agent Time served on team: 1 year Appearance: [url=]Emma[/url] is 5’ 7” and 120 lbs with a petite build. Role: While Emma can be an open book, she is also adept at assuming roles in order to gather intel or work a mission. She is also nimble and agile, creating the perfect amount of stealth to move around without being seen or heard. Race: Human Special Abilities or Expertise: Gymnastics, karate, sneaking around, and assuming undercover roles. Her petite size also is seen as anything but a threat, but she packs a mean punch. Nationality: American Biography: [hider=Biography] Emma grew up as a single child in the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona with her father, a busy, head in the clouds, feet on the ground, man. Her mother died after she was born, leaving the two to live on their own. Her father had a small office job in Phoenix, and was gone most of the time. Emma filled her life with friends, spending most days out and about the city of Phoenix with them. She would do anything to get out of the lonely house. When she was little she took gymnastics and violin classes. She also joined karate classes. Her fun-loving aunt took care of her most of the time, but when her father was home they would enjoy being together. Emma spent most nights out on the roof, looking up at the stars, instead of going out to the wild parties her other friends went to. One night when Emma was 17, she was introduced to the dangers of the world when a vampire that had been foolishly killing in Phoenix stopped her. He seemed odd to Emma from the second she saw him, with his pale complexion and haunting eyes. He attempted to attack her, but Emma reacted quickly and fought him, using the karate skills she learned throughout her life. She kept him at bay for a while, but he was much stronger than her, and she was too inexperienced with actually fighting to handle it. That was when a mysterious man stabbed the man in the heart and killed him. She watched in horror as the body of the vampire disintigrated and blew away in the breeze. The man that had killed him only nodded at her and left before she could understand what had happened and ask him questions. Let alone, before she could thank him. Emma had always planned on becoming some sort of FBI agent, and this attack convinced her it was what she wanted to do. She joined the FBI academy as soon as she graduated, but was apprehensive when the D.I.S. found an interest in her. Somehow they had heard about her experience with the vampire, and began to explain what had attacked her. She spent a week questioning the existence of such monsters after they explained it all. As she walked through the streets, she began to wonder if the people she passed were monsters. She found herself walking past the spot she had been attacked at two years ago and thought about it all before deciding on what she would do. She returned to the D.I.S. and joined the next day. It was then that she was assigned to go undercover at a college in LA. She was reluctant to leave her aunt and father, but packed up, said her goodbyes, and left for LA. [/hider] Personality: Emma is a down to earth, resilient young adult. Her upbringing made her a fun, tough girl. While she doesn’t mind going out and talking all night, she also doesn’t mind sitting in peace and observing the world around her. She likes to enjoy her time and be friendly, but can also make a bad enemy. Emma isn’t as perfect as she might seem, though. She can be an open book at times, but is well at hiding her emotions. She is hurt easily when those close to her reject her and is a loyal friend, who defends anyone that is being bullied or oppressed in an unfair way. She’ll speak her mind, if she thinks it is the right thing to do. Campus Cover: College Student Trivia: Is studying physics and astronomy at the academy and often can be found on the courtyard or at a party on her nights off. She has a [url=]tattoo[/url] on her wrist. EDIT: I fixed the unknown background, the attack, and added in some information about her family.