[b]Washington D.C, North American Federation[/b] The continued questions of what to do since the end of the war were running through David's mind. The economy had been destroyed, ideological questions were rising in everyones mind. The future of the Earth remained uncertain. David in his head began exploring the effects of the war in his mind, and what the North American Federation. The Army was smaller but running off better weapons and training. It was still a question of how to fill those empty ranks however. This also applied to the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service, where David had been taking away from the military and adding to them in attempt to prevent the waves of revolutions and terrorists that had weakened so many other nations. The war had killed a lot, it lasted almost 15 years, 18 year olds or 20 year olds had spent a good portion of there life only knowing the war, they couldn't remember what life was like without war, without the constant threat of invasion. The war had killed a lot of the former workforce, and the NAF had taken the way of using automatization, machines took the jobs of workers. They ran faster and did it cheaper then a worker ever could. However this hadn't new method of production hadn't taken over in the mines and farms, jobs were still desperately needed. Even then there were still a lot jobless, certain goods were still more expensive them all the gems in South Africa. The NAF had been instituting homes for these people, and also started a series of reforms similar to the New Deal Plans from the Great Depression, building roads and new factories and resource production centers with funds from the Reconstruction Plan. They were then given water and food. Socialism was also starting to dominate the minds of populace, in the aftermath of the war many saw it preferable to the exploitation of Capitalism. NAF Policies even reflected this, strengthening the power of Worker's Unions and running mines and farms under socialist methods. Socalists had also been advocating full automatization in factories, along with new methods of production like 3D printing. Capitalism was seeing its fall, in the NAF at least. The NAF had instituted no economic ssanctionssince the war, and removed any that had been placed during WW3. David was mad at those who ccontinuedto place ssanctions which threated the economic rebuilding that many countries were trying to attempt. David was actually planning to make a broadcast soon, that would be bbroad castedat the world. He wanted to call a summit of World Leaders so they could discuss the future of there fragile world. No country would be able to work alone, it was now more then ever that they needed to work together. David stepped out onto the steps of the White House flanked by two Secret Service agents, and a massive crowd in front of him. He began his speech, in a deep loud voice. "Now time is more then ever when we need to unite together and attempt to strengthen each other We can no longer stand divided. Capitalist or Communist. Republican or Democrat. Young or Old. We need to stand together to attempt to restore this world once more, and that doesn't apply to us individuals, but to all nations. I request personally that all nations remove trade sanctions if they still exist, to help with economic building. I'm also calling a summit of World Leaders in New York, it is important that we get together and try to figure out this mess. We have a world, lets try to make it good once again shall we?" David finished his speech, leaving a cheering crowd behind him. He hoped for a better world, out of The New Order.