Name:Thara Zeline Age:17-18(or however we decide that age would be for a elf.) Race:Wood elf Gender:Female Appearance:[img=] Personality:Despite her cautious and timid nature, Thara is one of the most openly caring people anyone would know. Her mind is usually set on what would be the right thing to do at any point,. Though she can often act very indecent, or be quick to upset. She still holds onto the idea of being a hero to others, like her brother was to her History:Thara was born cursed by her eye mark, that showed she was a enemy of nature in elven culture. Leaving her, and her to be ostracized and attacked whenever possible. Her parents were supposed to kill her before she turned five . Her brother caught wind of this, and was quickly set out to protect her taking her under his wing, and began to keep her safe from the others. Once they reached the safety of the city though. The stereotypes against wood elvess in city culture, as thieves quickly set in. Her brother often being refused work, and them being extremely poor. At least until her brother was caught defending his sister against another wood elf who was in the slums. He was quickly enlisted as a guard for his skills and dedication for catching the thief after telling a little white lie or two. Though even this couldn't last forever as this was around the time Thara started to gain use of her darker powers. Often she would get into fights just to try to use them on someone or another, but her brother now wiser with age, had enlisted her to help in a back alley clinic. Though she more then often just played nurse, and was still helping herself to taste of her own dark magic, he often felt she was getting something from the experience. Despite this it wasn't till the day he was killed by one of the gangs he was fighting that he saw her do something that gave meaning to what he had done. Instead of using her dark bindings as weapons, she had used them as stitches for a nearby injured civilian. So she set out to find her own way to become a hero greater then her brother. Who gave his life to stop a large scale gang. Gerado Zeline, “I'm not a hero just someone doing something for his own selfish needs Thara, and besides I don't even have a cape.” Equipment:A shit ton of alchemical equipment,two iron surgical knifes, a bad ass cape, and a few ye old condoms. Occupation:Alchemist/summoner Moral Standing: Good Likes:Kittens, Helping others, being complimented, bugs, and snakes. Dislikes:Selfishness, Milk, and Religion Fears:Being alone, Turning into a bad person, and social situations. Other: For a cs