He had found the cafeteria eventually and ate his first meal back in the Shatterdome alone, which didn't really bother him too much. He got directions to his room after his meal, expecting to read and go to sleep early to counteract the jet lag, but none of his things had been moved in yet except for his carry on bag, which was stuffed with clothes, toiletries and [i]The Doors of Perception[/i] which he had read twice on the flight over. He enjoyed the collection of essays, but twice in what Vladimir considered to be the same day was too much. He left his room and began roaming down the labyrinthine hallways without a particular destination in mind. He considered going back to the Jaeger bay, but figured he should probably try to get a gauge on his fellow Rangers. He knew Molly and Iris well enough, but they probably wouldn't have called him back if they were confident of who they had now. He saw Mako stepping out of a doorway ahead and start walking down the hallway away from him. 'She usually only goes into important rooms,' he thought to himself 'I bet there are other Rangers in that room.' He poked his head into the room and saw this is where the simulations were being monitored from. Whoever was in the sim now was just staring ahead, waiting for the Kaiju to start spawning. “So who is it?” he asked nobody specific as he stepped into the room.