He [i]did[/i], for the record, advise against bringing a weird squishy thing on board the ship. "There can only be one, and that one's me!" He had said to the crew that brought the egg on-board, although it was a bit of a joke. Glyx hovered around the med-bay, trying to get things in order. He had knocked everything over in his haste to help the crew members that had been attacked by the...whatever the fuck that was. The captain was the most worrying, with what seemed to be another alien embryo in his chest. Glyx didn't want to know how that happened. Of course, they weren't exactly equipped for surprise alien impregnation. It became obvious that Glyx couldn't do anything but pump the poor bastard full of pain-killers and a variety of metallic elements and hope that they kill the little bastard. Due to the meeting that was scheduled to take place in the mess momentarily, that didn't work. Most were dead. Just the usuals, now. It was depressing, truly it was, but Glyx had come to the conclusion that all doctors must come to eventually: You can't save them all. In the case of this little company, that happened often. Instead of sulking, he'd taken the time to reorganize and clean the blood off of his floor. The office had equipment (monitors, fridges, a few vials and beakers, the basics) on counters lining the southern wall of the room, with the lounge at the northern half. In the middle was an operating table, with a light overhead. It wasn't a fancy space in the least, but it got the job done. Thankfully, a desk wasn't needed, as he just stored everything in his brain. His pod made information recall simple, so it left a little bit of floating room. A little reminder pinged in his suit, jerking Glyx's thoughts to the meeting at hand. "Fifth time's a charm..." He sighed, in his bubbly, yet obviously robotic voice. Hovering out the door at the east wall, he made his way down to the mess hall, with barely enough room to fit his diameter. Maybe a slimmer model would have been better? Nah, this one had more amenities. The shielding had saved his hide on many occasions, after all. The crew, what was left of the old and the new, were already gathering. This was going to a bit better than the other little "ceremonies", because there was only one lady that could ascend to the throne now... On cue, Jane Pepper came in and stepped out onto the center. A purposeful stride, one that meant business. She nodded to him as she took her spot, front and center. It made him feel a bit better, knowing that she thought what he felt. Possibly unlike the new hires, Glyx was fully prepared for what Jane had to say. She was no-nonsense when it came to work, and it was definitely effective. After her little speech, Glyx flashed an image of a thumbs-up, showing his approval. "You got it, Cap'n!". He, took, scanned the new and old folks, skipping over Harriet's ominous gaze. At least [i]this[/i] captain made his job a whole lot easier. Hopefully the new guys would too...though given the track record they had, that was sort of a fever dream.