Saten leaned against the nearest inanimate object, and smirked through his cigarette. "Oh yes." He said. "I'd very much like to change this world." He never took his eyes off of the Shadow Master. 'However, I'm going to kill you all. I only want [i]my[/i] world... anyone else is my enemy.' He thinks. He gets a bit giddy and giggles at the prospect of knocking a few skulls. The metal contraptions around his arms extend slightly as the vents open, and it starts pulling in heat. Soon, the temperature around him drops, quite quickly. As the temperature drops, frost appears on the floor below him, and spreads slowly as he sucks all the heat away from the room, leaving it cool at best. He couldn't wait to see who'd be on the receiving end of this heat wave. He looks around at his 'teammates', and winks at any cute women who's eye he catches.